We head to the break room, and I put the coffee grounds in to make a fresh pot. How would I survive without coffee? There are some days when I end up on so many calls that I don’t get to go home for an entire day, no matter what time my shift is supposed to end. When duty calls, we are expected to be ready. Caffeine is a big component of that.

“So, are you and Vanessa going public? Can’t wait to see what the softball moms have to say about that. They are vicious. And you being a good-looking single man. Well, they were probably taking bets on who could get you first.”

My head cocks back. “Are you serious? That’s ridiculous. Do they not have better things to do with their time?”

Damon laughs and then goes into this big spill about how things have been in the past. A lot of the moms aren’t faithful to their husbands, and they might seem like they are trying to screw me, but they definitely are. Apparently, their first coach got kicked out of the league for sleeping around with the mom’s.

“He wasn’t only sleeping with one of them, but like four. And one day at a game, they were talking about their weekend, and that’s when they put the pieces together and found out they were all sleeping with him. Isn’t that the shadiest shit ever?”

Well, they don’t have to worry about that with me. Vanessa is the only mom I’ll be sleeping with, so they can back the hell off. I’m not one to create drama, so if they want to start something, I’ll put an end to it real quick.

The coffee machine is ready to go, and I pour into two mugs for Damon and I.

“Do you really think people are going to have a problem with us dating? I mean, we are adults.”

He shakes his head. “There is always someone, but I wouldn’t worry about it.”

Damon shuffles the deck, and just before he starts to deal, his phone rings.

“Hey babe,” he answers. “What? Right now? Okay, I’m on my way!”

He shoots up out of his chair, and starts crying. “Tessa is on the way to the hospital. She’s having the baby. I gotta go.”

“Get out of here. I’ll tell the chief!”

Today is a great day to bring a baby into the world, and I can’t wait to be an uncle. It’s one thing to hold someone else’s child, but when it’s yours, it’s the most beautiful thing in the world. And one day, I will experience the joy.

The day wastes away, waiting around for news from Damon. The last time I talked to him Tessa was almost fully dilated, and the search engine says that means she was close to having the baby.

Emily is with Raquel because she couldn’t go to the hospital with them and we have our game today. She is ecstatic about having a baby brother, and it will probably take over her mind, but I’m not going to worry about it.

Two o clock comes fast and it’s time for me to get out of here and get to the field for our first game. The girls are going to do great, and I’m excited to start the season.

Vanessa: It’s almost game time. Do I need to pick up Emily for the game?

She is truly an amazing woman, and I’m lucky to have her as my co-coach. The girls have two adults that love the game and don’t have to worry about winning. We have made it clear that it’s about them having fun playing the game.

Me: Raquel will be bringing her. See you in a bit.

I grab my bag out of my locker and get to the truck. This is going to be our first game that we aren’t trying to hide our relationship from everyone. Sherrie’s dad will also be at the game and I’m hoping we can keep it civil.

Vanessa didn’t keep things from me, but when I found out he tried to get back with her, it did piss me off a little bit. He had his chance for over ten years to make her happy, and he failed. Now, he just can’t stand her being happy with someone else. Unlike him, I’m going to make sure every day Vanessa knows how much she means to me. She deserves that and so much more.

Today is our first outing as a couple, and it might come with some turbulence, but we will get through it because we have each other to lean on. We can’t let outside influences ruin our relationship.

Will we be able to get through today without pissing anyone off? Will Lee be able to keep his feelings to himself or will he make a scene?



The diner is empty when I walk in. Sherrie is with Lee this weekend, so he is bringing her to the game later. He has only texted me in regards to our daughter and that’s how it should be.

I sit my purse down in the booth next to me and Tina starts in.

“You are glowing. I’m assuming you are feeling better today?” she laughs.

So what if I played hooky from work? I haven’t missed a single day since we opened, and honestly it’s time for me to take a vacation. It’s been on my mind. Maybe Sherrie and I can go somewhere just the two of us.