“Do you think we can all fit in the pool?”

“Yes. You girls are going to have some fun today, huh?”

She nods with a smile and then runs back into the living room.

“So, what do you need help with?” I ask Vanessa.

She motions to the fridge, so I take the juices out and stick them in the fridge, and put the snacks on the counter. She put a lot of time into this party.

Cars begin to arrive, and Vanessa and I greet them outside.. We must be very brave taking on twelve girls for the afternoon. Vanessa is capable of doing this herself, but I have no experience babysitting children.

“You’ll have to give me some pointers. This is out of my comfort zone,” I tell her.

She laughs. “Better get used to it. There are many of these parties throughout the season.”

Vanessa is a little more laid back today. Maybe whatever was bothering her is gone and she found an outlet for all that attitude.

I follow her outside, and the girls get into the pool. It’s only four feet so everyone is able to touch, but we still keep an eye on them.

“Hope you are good on a grill,” she says, opening up a Tupperware.

A grin crosses my face, and I start it right up. “You can call me master.”

She shakes her head, and walks away. Okay, maybe that was too much.

Jokes aside, the only way I’ll be helpful today is by knowing my way around a grill. She did all the baking, and all I did is bring some snacks and drinks. It’s not like I’m trying to impress her or anything.

I keep my eyes on the girls, making sure they are okay, because the last thing I want is to have to explain an accident to any of their parents. That is quickest way for them never trust me. No, thanks.

“So, what made you want to become a coach?” she asks, walking up behind me.

“My friend, Damon, Emily’s stepdad, asked me. He knew that I used to play, and didn’t want them to have to forfeit the season.”

She crosses her arms. “So you got roped into it?”

“No, it’s not like that. Baseball was always an outlet for me, and a majority of my childhood was spent on that same field. It’s nice to be back there again, teaching them to be better.”

I can’t tell if she liked that answer or not, but it’s the truth.

“Honestly, I haven’t played in so many years, but Sherrie took to it quickly. It’s nice to see her have something to keep her occupied. She’s got a lot going on, and it’ll help.”

Should I ask? It might be private, and I don’t want to overstep my boundaries with Vanessa. She scares me sometimes with how forward she is, but I ask anyway.

“Anything I can help with?”

“No, her dad and I broke up and she’s not taking it well. It’ll take time for her to adjust for both of us.”

Well, hot damn, that’s why she has been so full of attitude. I can’t blame her.

“Well, if you guys need anything, let me know. I only live a couple blocks over.”

She nods, and turns her attention back to the girls.

“My parents split when I was young, so I get where she is coming from. It’s difficult, but you seem like a good mother, so I’m sure she is going to get through it with your help.”

When my parents split up, my whole world plummeted around me. I didn’t see it coming, but I don’t think kids ever do. Things don’t always work out, and going back and forth between their houses was a pain in the ass. They fought over holidays and birthdays, and all I wanted was to spend those days with both of them. Even now, you won’t find them in the same room. Hopefully, Vanessa and her ex get along well enough to co-parent, because mine sure didn’t.

“If I can say one thing from experience, the thing I hated the most was going back and forth. Even though you guys aren’t together anymore, try to keep it on a stable schedule. My parents fought all the time about who had me on what weekend.”