Once inside mine, I sat there for a minute before starting it up. I couldn’t believe what just happened. All these years I painted him as a superficial asshole and here he had proved himself to be a gentleman.
THIS AFTERNOON, I METup with one of my clients. I asked if she was willing to uncover a flaw in her ex-husband to be able to retain sole custody of her kids. At this point, it was all I could do. Our meeting today was to see what decision she made. Sometimes, it’s hard, but you manage whatever you can to protect your kids. Even if that meant going against their father.
“I don’t think that applies to him. So, what’s next?” She asked.
Was she defending this man now? What changed? I could hire a private investigator and see if they could capture him doing anything wrong with the kids. This would support our case drastically.
When you risk losing your kids, you tend to be more susceptible to suggestions. I didn’t want to talk her into doing anything she didn’t want to, however; my job was to win her case or at least give her a fighting chance. We concluded the meeting on a high note.
“I’ll do everything in my power to help you.”
After the meeting, I stopped by Abigail’s. I hadn’t seen her in a couple of days. I drove up her driveway, got out of the car and before I could even knock she was opening the door. “Come on in.”
“How’s everything going with ya?” she asked.
“Well, everything’s going well. I received a couple of new cases I’m working on, and most of my time has been dedicated to them.”
“How’s everything else?” She asked, hinting around at anything new going on in my life.
“Good. I‘ve been hanging out with Sebastian recently.”
“Do you like him? I was telling Jonathan it seemed like you guys had a connection.”
“Well, he’s a decent guy. If you‘re asking me if I think he’s attractive, then yes but attraction isn’t the only thing I’m looking for in a man.”
It’s true. The man I want possessed other qualities besides being attractive. He would need to want kids, pull his own weight, embrace his goals in life, and be excellent in bed.
“Jeez, anything else?” She asked, sarcastically.
“I don’t think it’s too much to ask. Hell, look what you found?”
Abigail suddenly stopped laughing, and became quite serious. “You’re right. He’s an excellent man, who someday I hope to marry.”
Chapter 5