Page 51 of Rekindled Love

“Now, they have decided to write their own vows. Abigail...”

Her chest rose and fell as her fear of speaking in front of people took effect. “Jonathan, from the first day I met you, I’ve never felt more loved and appreciated. My vow to you is to always support you, even in the tough times.... To be a devoted mother to our future children... and never got to bed angry. I love you with all my heart and soul....” She stumbled toward the end, tears beginning to fal as she put the ring on his finger.

Jonathan fumbled to get the paper out of his pocket, and dropped it on the ground. “Sorry... uhh... When we made the decision to write our own vows, I was terrified. But then I thought of our life together, and all the things we’ve accomplished as a couple already. You’ve made me realize how important savoring each day is with you, never knowing what the next day could hold. I vow to love you unconditionally, make you feel loved and appreciated every day. I promise to remember you are a human. And as humans we make mistakes and have flaws. Marriage is about loving someone for their strengths and weaknesses. Although sometimes you can be quite indecisive... I’m glad you had no hesitation when I asked you to be my wife.”

He slipped her ring on, and leaned in to kiss her.

“Wait, not yet...” The officiant laughed. “I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride.”

Jonathan couldn’t keep his eyes off her. I couldn’t blame him. She looked like an angel.

Everyone stood up and clapped as they were announced as husband and wife for the first time and then headed over to the reception hall where they served chicken and vegetables and a chocolate fountain for a dessert.

I walked over to Sebastian, “You look sexy tonight if we didn’t have to be here then I would take you home and demolish you.”

His smile spread across his face, and slow music started to play. “Would you like to dance?” he asked me.

I took his hand, and we started moving around the room with my head against his chest and his hand on the small of my back. Every time he touches me, my body gets a tingling sensation all over. After a couple of slow songs, it was time to give our speeches.

“As a best friend, I’m pretty careful about men that come into Abigail’s life. Especially the bad boys she seemed to love as a teenager. When she called me one night to tell me about a guy she ran into at the bookstore, I thought she was joking. Only a week later, she was telling me how sure she was that they would be married one day, and here we are.” I raised my glass, “I’m so happy you met Jonathan, and I wish you nothing but happiness in your marriage. To Abigail and Jonathan.”

I took a sip, and handed the microphone over to Sebastian.

“Well, how am I supposed to follow up that?” He laughed, taking a drink of champagne. “Jonathan has been my best friend for over a decade... he’s always ended up with his heart broken from girls who were very high maintenance. Until... Abigail. They couldn’t be more perfect for each other. They compliment each other so well, and I have no doubt that their marriage will flourish over the next several decades. What they have is more than just love, it’s understanding, compassion... They were truly meant for each other. To Jonathan and Abigail.”

The night was flying by, and my feet were aching. Sebastian and I danced a couple more times, visited with their families, and then called it a night after the bride and groom left.

When we got back to the house, he undressed me as if taking in each inch of skin being revealed.and threw me on the bed. The rest of the night was history.

Chapter 25


Ikept pressing theignore button without even opening my eyes until it rang a third time alerting me that something was wrong.
