She didn’t skip a beat, seized my debit card, and marched out the door. Boy, did I appreciate the crap out of her right now? No talking back. I think I’m gonna like her.
I scarfed down the sandwich Alyson brought back before my client showed up.
After hearing my client’s story, I agreed to take on the case. She’s a mom of four kids forced into a custody battle because of a recent divorce. The father insisted she was unfit but never made these allegations while they were married.
“Good afternoon, Jane. It’s good to see you. Come on in.” I said, greeting her at the door of my office. “Have a seat.”
“Thanks for squeezing me in, I know you just got into town.”
“Listen, the reason I went into law is to help families. Let’s talk about what we need. I know your ex-husband made allegations, but does he have any proof?” I hated to ask, but I need to. The last thing I wanted to do was get bombarded in court with a video of her hitting one of her kids.
“Absolutely not.” She replied, her mouth a straight line. “How do I prove I’m fit? I can’t lose my kids.”
“Can you prove he’s not fit to have the kids full time?” I said, fixing to tell her the truth. “The only way to guarantee you can keep them is if we can find something to prove that he can’t handle having them full time.”
“I’ll see. I don’t think I’ll find anything. He’s a good father when he’s sober. Over the last couple years, he’s become an alcoholic.”
For the next thirty minutes, she sniffled through stories that unfolded during their marriage. I listened for anything that might help her case, but I think talking to a counselor may have been more helpful with those stories.
A thump at my door startled us a bit. “Come in.”
“Hey, can I speak with you for a moment?” West asked.
I followed him into the hallway, closed the office door behind me. “What is it?”
“Wanted to let you know the judge for your case will be McAllen.”
“Okay, and?”
“He’s a single father. You do the math. Also wanted to thank you for taking over her case. I’m just overloaded.”
I nodded my head; he was right. The judge would most likely sympathize with the father in this case. Crap! My head shook, “Alright, thanks for the heads up.”
I rolled my eyes and sighed before walking back into my office, “Alright Jane, the judge we’ve been assigned to is a single father, if we can’t prove your ex can’t handle them full time, there’s a chance he’s going to get custody. So we need to get focused and find something.”
“I’ll start now. I’ll call you if I find anything. Thanks for your help, Ms. Cade.”
I started collecting my things to leave for the day. It was a prosperous first day. After grabbing my purse and keys, my phone started vibrating with Abigail’s name popping up. “Hey, girl. What’s going on?”
“So we’re having a little gathering tonight, or well Jonathan is. Could you come over and keep me company? Please...”
My bed was calling my name, but it would be nice to meet her boyfriend finally. “Alright, I’ll be over in a little while. I needed to change but if I made a pit stop the chances of me making it were slim.
When I arrived, there were people everywhere. I hunkered on the couch next to Abs and tuned everyone else out. The doorbell kept going off and Abigail played a good hostess. My face was getting hot, and I got an odd feeling like someone was watching me. My head perked up and panned across the room by the staircase.There.He’s attractive, rugged, and flashed his award-winning smile. Where do I know him from? Oh my gosh, it couldn’t behim? My biggest crush, best friend, and the guy I rejected in high school?