Page 34 of Rekindled Love

Chapter 16


Two months later...



He mumbled, “Ready to get these damn things off.”

He must be going stir crazy being stuck in the house all day every day for two months. He will be getting the casts off, and I couldn’t imagine how ready he was to be independent again.

I’ve been patiently waiting for the big reveal at Christmas. His motorcycle wasn’t totaled, but without working he couldn’t afford to get it fixed. He loved that bike, and so for Christmas I got it fixed up like it was brand new. Hopefully, he’d like it, but we’ll see.

I left and headed back to work. There were a couple of emails I had to return and a hearing needing my attention. One of my clients would receive a verdict regarding the custody of her children. She’s been nervous up until now, but my gut told me it would end in her favor. If it didn’t, I would be profoundly shocked. I had scraped up plenty of evidence proving the father unfit. No way a judge was going to continue to give him visitation. Maybe, supervised.

I pulled up to the courthouse, and she was pacing the sidewalk.

“Don’t worry. It’s going to be alright. Have faith in me.”

She bobbed her head and followed me into the courtroom. Once her name was called, and we approached the table, the judge asked if we’d like to present any additional evidence or testimony.

“Nothing additional, your honor.”

“After hearing all testimony and evidence, I’m revoking weekend visits with the father. He’ll only be allowed supervised visits here at the police department until he can prove he’s fit to be a parent.”

Stacy jumped up and down, not able to suppress her excitement turning to me. “Thank you. Thank you so much.”

As I walked into my house, I took my heels off and threw my purse on the floor next to the door. I deserved a glass of wine after today. I sipped the whole glass down in what seemed like seconds when I heard my phone ring.


“Want to come over and watch a movie with me?” Sebastian asked.

I sighed. I just got home, and all I wanted to do was lay in bed and glance at a book in my pajamas.

“Sure, I’ll be right over.”

We turned on a superhero movie, and I didn’t last long. I fell asleep on Sebastian's couch. I woke up in the middle of the night sprawled across his lap. I slowly got up, placed my shoes on, and left for my house without waking him up.

When I crawled into bed, my mind started to wonder. Sebastian and I haven’t been the same since we slept together. The wreck made him different, almost like he wasn’t as confident as he used to be. I tried many times to get him in the mood, but he wouldn’t budge.

Unfortunately, with the way things were going, I doubt we would ever get back to the way we were before. A couple of months ago, we had a relationship that we thought was going to develop into a romance but life happens. Things come up and force things off course.

Sebastian and I became extremely distant during the last few weeks of his recovery. This made our flame die out. It was like I was his caregiver instead of his girlfriend. All I wanted was for me to look at me the way he used to. Heck, maybe even the way he did fifteen years ago. His interest in me seemed to deplete, and it was crushing.

After a while, he stopped asking me to come over as often. I wish I could say it’s because I worked crazy hours, but it wasn’t.

Today he was getting his casts off, and would be good as new. So many times we discussed what we would do once he could get out of the house, but none of that seemed to matter now so I buried myself in work.

One of my cases involved a cheating husband. The client, Erica’s best friend, slept with her husband. Why are women so foolish? Did they let a man come between them and ruin their relationship? Some women sleep with whoever they wanted to, and didn’t care if they’re married. But this was her best friend. We found out her marriage was on the rocks too, with neither of them being happy.

I pushed her to counter the settlement sent over by her future ex-husband. She deserved so much more than they were giving.