Page 21 of Rekindled Love

She had a great point. Blue balls wasn’t something I looked forward to.

Me: Agreed. I’m sorry. Please forgive me.

There was something about seeing her name come across my phone that made me smile every time, whether I was having a good or shitty day.

Camilla: Thought you would like this. Don’t open in public =)

I stepped into the linen closet and clicked on it. My tongue flapped out and hit the ground. There she was in just panties and a bra posing on her office desk. The curious mind of mine wondered if she would ever let me fuck her on that? That’d be interesting. It’s always been on my list.

Me: I’m glad I didn’t open that when I was standing around the others. Only I get to see that sexiness. What was wrong with the guys in Raleigh that they let you leave without being married? Blows my mind, cutie.

I wasn’t going to harp on it because that meant she could be all mine someday. Their loss, my gain.

Camilla: It could be all yours.

Me: Oh, really. Under what conditions? I’m foaming at the mouth.

She was getting me hot without even being near me. This woman was my kryptonite. How the hell was I going to be able to focus on work if I’m thinking of her naked on top of me all day? Fuck. Okay, what can I think about to distract myself? Fluffy kittens? I tried to imagine cute kittens and nothing. Okay, maybe Dracula. That was random, but worked.

Camilla: Well number one, you have to promise that you aren’t gonna work me up only to let me down. Number two, my whole body gets your undivided attention. Finally, you make me cry out in ecstasy. Think you can handle those conditions?

This girl knew how to play hard ball. No pun intended. If she was half as good in bed as her words then I was in for a delicious treat. Her conditions don’t phase me. I might have jumped the bullet when I was younger, but now I knew the difference between okay and great sex. Her second condition literally made me chuckle because why would anyone not give her body all the attention? She’s a fucking goddess and I’d want to kiss and lick every inch of her. Well, not her toes. Not into that. And her last one, it made me breath heavy. When we make love, we both better scream out in ecstasy.Challenge Accepted.

Me: That’s all you got? Can’t wait to show you exactly how good I am at listening to what your body wants and needs. It’s going to be a long night.

I threw that last part in there because it's not likely that I’d only want to go one round with her. More likely two or three and that’s going to wear both of us the fuck out.

Camilla: Okay, I’m checking my calendar. When’s your next day off so I can mark it. =)

There she goes being her sexy smart ass self. Fuck, I love it.

Me: Umm... if all goes well... maybe May 23rd...

I was trying to keep my distance because when I’m next to her, it’s like my body constantly wanted to jump her because of the way her hair smells, her silky skin, and boy those luscious lips that taste sweet.

“Incoming Trauma... Repeat.. Incoming Trauma to ER.” The voice sounded over the intercom.

That’s my cue. I shook my head to get all the dirty thoughts to disappear and ran to the incoming trauma.