Page 19 of Rekindled Love

Wait, what? “How? Why?”

“As an intern, I scrubbed into a surgery. I had done enough hands on work in the operating room that the chief surgeon told me I was ready to take the lead. I was so nervous, I snipped the wrong thing.” His fork clanked against his plate, and gaze dropped to the floor. “Was the scariest shift of my life. That night, I went home and read article after article about the procedure to make sure it would never happen again.”

“Wow, that’s awful.” I smiled. “But look at what a wonderful doctor you are now. That’s why you were overseen by doctors to make sure everything went smoothly. They took a chance on you. Don’t sweat it.”

“Everytime I have a surgery now, I think back to that day.”

“No, it seems quite reasonable. Don’t be so hard on yourself.”

It was sweet, he was so committed to his career and providing the best care to his patients. That’s what makes him a great doctor. He shouldn't be so down on himself.

After cleaning off the table, he washed and I dried the dishes. It reminded me of those scenes on TV where the two teenagers are sent to do the dishes and they end up all soaking wet. I wouldn’t have been opposed, but it didn’t happen. Looks were played, glances were given, but nothing happened.Just fucking throw me up against the wall already.

The last dish was dried and put up, and we migrated back to the couch. My elbow rested on the back and my palm rested against my head. “What made you stay here?”

Sebastian shrugged, “my mom. Remember she had cancer. In remission now though. Hoping she stays that way.”

“Makes sense. Still in remission?”

He nodded.

“It feels so weird being here, after Raleigh. I always planned on staying there until Mr. West called me. Crazy how life works sometimes, right?”

We both laughed, and our eyes met.Do it. Kiss me. Just lean in. He answered my prayer, and his sweet soft lips came together with mine. His hands tucked under my butt, and he picked me up and sat me down on his lap as my hands ran through his tousled hair. It was getting hot, and we were getting close to taking the next step, when he pulled away.

“Let’s not jump into anything. I like you. As much as I want to visit your temple,” he said with hand quotations, “and believe me I do, everything in me is telling me to wait.”

Seriously?Just fuck me already.Tell me I’ve been naughty, or spank my ass, but don’t tell me you want to wait. Down south was ready for friction, has been for a long time, and no matter what I do, it doesn’t get any attention. “Maybe I don’t want to wait.” I started to unbutton his jeans, and he placed his hand on mine.

“Cam, I said no.” He said, staring into my eyes and getting up from the couch. “Thanks for letting me spend the day with you, but I should be heading home.”

Just like that, I was shut down. Why did he want to wait? I don’t know a single man who would tell a woman to wait who practically begged him to fuck her? This makes no sense, and it made my anxiety go through the roof. “Fine, if that’s what you wanna do. I’ll see ya.”

He turned around, taking my hands in his and whispers into my ear, “I want to fuck you, so badly, but waiting makes it even more enjoyable. Just wait and see.” His tongue met my lobe and then his teeth slightly. “Goodbye beautiful.”

Chapter 9