Page 3 of Simply Complicated

I sat with her for a couple of hours, getting to know her and Lacey better. I didn’t know much about Lacey, even though I ran a background check on all my employees before hiring them. Most of the time, I just paid attention to the criminal background, but I received so much information. I could probably find out her bank account number if I needed to. My computer guys were extremely good at their jobs. It helped in the security industry.

When my contract with the military had been completed, I wasn’t sure what I was going to do with the rest of my life. All I knew was the military, but then my dad had a brilliant idea. He offered to help me start a security company. He introduced me to a couple of folks that helped me establish the company five years ago. It had flourished massively since then.

I didn’t spend too much time at the hospital because if I were Laurel, I would want to spend some alone time with my sister. I couldn’t blame her. She was too nice to kick me out, but I got the subtle hints she had been dropping. “It was delightful to meet you.” I shook her hand and left her to her sister.

When I got back to work, the guys were asking about Lacey. I didn’t want to tell anyone at the office until I knew exactly what was going on. When she didn’t show up for work, most were worried. It just wasn’t like her to be late or miss work altogether. Laurel gave me permission to tell the employees. Instead of walking around to everyone, I sent out a company email.

Company Memo:

Lacey has been in an accident and is currently in a coma. The doctors do not know if she will make it or not. They say she is young, so the chances are better that she will pull through this. If you would like to send her anything, please let me know, and I will take it to her.

Within minutes, I got several responses for flowers and cards. One thing I could say about my employees was they care for one another. It was incredible to observe them react so instantaneously to the email. Within a couple of hours, I had flowers and cards surrounding my table by the window. I wanted to wait for a while before making my way back to the hospital.

Over the next couple of hours, I continued my day as usual. I attended meetings, had lunch, and replied to all my outstanding emails before leaving for the day. I hoped she would be awake by now.Fingers crossed. She was so young and had an full life ahead of her.

Walking through the hospital doors, my hands full, I ventured to Lacey’s room. I heard talking inside when I knocked. “Come in,” Laurel called out.

I opened the door to find Lacey awake. She was all banged up but speaking clearly. I was sure she was in a lot of pain by the looks of her. “Damn, that didn’t take long. You are a fighter,” I said while putting all the cards and flowers down.

Lacey smiled but didn’t reply. It was tremendous to see her awake. She reminded me so much of my little sister; in fact, they were around the same age. I didn’t know what I would do if this had happened to her. I would be at a loss for words. I didn’t stay long because I didn’t want to eat up the time Laurel had with her sister. From the yakking going on, you could tell they hadn’t seen each other in a while.

Chapter 3


When Lacey finally woke up, I was ecstatic. She was a little groggy, but she was back. I couldn’t fathom what I would do if I lost her. Sure, we have had our ups and downs, but what siblings haven’t? I still would never wish her any harm, especially this. I didn’t want to bombard her with questions, even though I had so many. Who did this to her? Why? How did she get here? “Do you need anything? A drink? Food?” I said, getting up to get the nurse.

“No, I’m fine right now. How long have I been here?” she asked, looking around the room. I could tell she was freaking out.

“It’s okay, sis. Calm down. Everything is going to be okay. No need to panic; the point is you are awake. That’s all we have wished for,” I said, sitting back at her side with her hand in mine. A tear tried to make an appearance, but I narrowed my eyes and calmed down before it did.

“We? Who is we?” Lacey said, looking around, scared.

“Hudson. Your boss. He had been wondering why you didn’t call in or show up for work. He came down to visit you, and some friends from work even delivered you flowers and stuff, “I said, pointing around the room with a smile.

“Has he been here?”

“Who, Lacey? Has who been here?” I didn’t distinguish who she was talking about. Was she talking about her boyfriend? “If you are referring to your boyfriend, I’m not exactly sure. I don’t know what he looks like, but I haven’t moved from your side besides to go to the bathroom and grab coffee, so I don’t believe so.” I tried to calm her down. She was working herself up, which was causing her blood pressure to rise, and the machine started beeping.

“The police will be here to ask you about what happened. I tried to have them wait, but they insisted,” the nurse said as a police officer walked in.

I could feel the vibe in the room change. Lacey looked worried and scared which she shouldn’t be. They wanted to help her and figure out what caused her injuries.

“Ma’am, I know you have been out of it, but we need some questions answered. It won’t take long, but I need to make a report,” he said, waiting for her response.

“I understand. Go ahead,” Lacey said, pushing herself up on the bed to sit up.

“What caused your injuries?” The police officer put pen to paper, waiting for an answer so that he could jot it down in a hurry.

“Drew. He found out I went out for drinks with some friends from work and freaked. When I got home, he was waiting for me. Initially, I thought he was just furious, but then he flung me to the ground and started kicking and striking me. Frankly, I don’t remember much. I’m sorry,” she said, tears streaming down her face.

“Ma’am, do you have his last name? I will need to get this report written up and filed so we can take action against him.”

“Drew Clayton. He lives here in Dallas, just around the corner from the new Italian restaurant on Cleveland Avenue,” Lacey responded, trying to give him as much information as she could.

I couldn’t believe that asshole did this to her. I didn’t want to jump to conclusions before I had heard her side of the story but now hearing it made me want to vomit. To think, some man did this to my sister. It made me sick to my stomach.

“How did you get here, ma’am?” the police officer asked urgently.