She fixes a playful glare on me and while I’m in the middle of thinking I would die for her and resurrect myself only to die for her again, she says, “Now listen, Max. I’ve never once had to deny someone their preferred color of lollipop and I’m not about to stop. You want a yellow, you’re gonna get it.”

“Okay,” I say with a smile. “Wait, how do you know—”

“Bye!” she says brightly, spinning on her heel. “I’ll make it up to you later, I promise!”

I watch her leave and the sight of her ass swaying as she walks away completely distracts me from the fact that she somehow knows my name even though we’ve never spoken before. When she’s gone, I turn around and realize I’m still in line at the coffee shop.

The woman behind the counter watches me with a bemused smile and I feel my cheeks grow hot. I clear my throat and say, “I’ll take a whole milk cappuccino and a toasted coffee cake, please.”

“Coming right up,” she says and doesn’t even bother trying to hide the mirth in her voice at my embarrassment.

I can’t understand how this girl affects me so much. The thought reminds me that I don’t even know her name. She knows my name and I don’t know hers. I resolve to ask her name when I see her again and then wonder once more why that would be important to me. I have my whole life planned and organized and nowhere in that plan is their room for a little girl who lives in a camper and hands out lollipops by color and not by flavor.

I take my cappuccino and coffee cake and head to the office. Today is a light day and I’m finished by noon. I head back to the hotel and spend the rest of the day catching up on some personal emails. When those are done, I work out and head back to my room to shower.

In the shower, I think of the girl in the white sundress with the sunny smile and the bag of sweets and I feel my body begin to respond. I begin stroking my cock before I realize what I’m doing. When I do realize it, I turn the water to freezing and gasp as the blast of cold shocks me back to sobriety. I shut the water off and resolve not to allow myself to obsess over her anymore.

I’ve just finished dressing when I hear a knock on my door. I open it and the girl is standing in front of me.

“Hi!” she says brightly. “I hope this isn’t a bad time. I got your hotel and room number from Gwen. I’m Daisy, by the way.”

I stare silently a moment, then blink and say, “No, no, it’s not a bad time. Um… why are you here?”

I realize what I’ve said and prepare to quickly apologize but she doesn’t seem to take any offense at all. Instead, she smiles and holds up a bag filled with yellow lollipops.