
Margaret stood just out of view of the doorway. She needed to talk to Arthur, and she knew that if she did not do it now, she might never do it. She knew that he had been avoiding her for the past week and immersing himself in the trial, and she knew why he was being so distant—he was readying himself for them parting.

She did not want that to happen, but she needed to make her peace with it. She knew what she was getting herself into when all of this had begun, and she would follow it through.

Margaret steeled herself and knocked on the door frame before standing before the duke.

“Margaret,” he said. “Is everything well?”

“Everything is fine,” she said, even though it was not. All she wanted was a small sign from the duke that he wanted things to be different. And, she did not want to show her true feelings until she knew how the duke felt—she did not want to be the fool in the situation.

“Please, come in,” said the duke, formally and awkwardly. “Is it the child?”

“No, no, nothing like that. I only thought I should come and visit. It feels as if we have not spent a lot of time together since we came to London.”

“That is perhaps my fault,” said Arthur. “I have been so engrossed in helping your friend that I have been neglectful as a husband.”

“It is fine,” said Margaret. “I am thankful to you for all of your help with Cynthia. My father knows that he can’t win this case, and I am sure they will come to their senses before the trial begins. This won’t go on much longer.”

“I hope not, but I am willing to fight for as long as it takes.”

“And I have to thank you again for that,” said Margaret. She bit her lower lip. The mood had shifted between them, and it felt as if they were friends and not two people who had shared a bed. Margaret wanted to declare everything to the duke, and tell him that she was falling for him, but she was hesitant. She was hesitant because he was hesitant.

And she did not know what that meant. Margaret stepped further into the room, pushing her way through the tension.

“I can’t believe that we are going to have a child together,” she said. “I don’t think it has sunk in yet with everything that is going on. I have not really stopped to think about it.”

“I have not either,” said the duke. “I have to thank you for giving me an heir.”

Margaret could not work out the look on his face. Was he relieved that it was finally all over or was he in anguish that they were to separate? She wanted to jump on him and feel his hands on her again, but she might never feel that again. She wanted to feel the warmth of his body, but that had been taken from her. The joy of motherhood was overwhelming, but she wanted the duke along with it, she knew that now.

“We will have to return to York soon,” blurted Margaret, happy that she had finally broached the subject.

“Yes, we will,” he said. “And, we should talk about what we need to do when we get back to York.”

I don’t want to be separated from you. That is what Margaret wanted to say to him. And she was sure that he wanted the same. If only he could take the plunge, she was sure that he could get over the pain that had been plaguing him for years. She would help him. She understood him. She could ease him through it.

“When we get back to York, I think—” Margaret was interrupted by the knock on the open door.

The two of them turned around to see the maid standing there, and Margaret could not think of a worse time to bed interrupted.

“I have your lunch, Your Grace,” said the maid.

“Please, leave it on the desk,” said the duke.

Margaret suddenly lost her nerve. “We could perhaps talk about it later. I am sure you have a lot to do.”

“I… yes, perhaps that is for the best,” said the duke.

The maid left the room, closing the door behind her, and there was a faint click followed by footsteps receding.

“I will leave you for now,” said Margaret.

The duke reached out and touched her arm, and Margaret waited for words to come, telling her that it could be different, that they could be together, but she was only met by the pain in the duke’s eyes. She took a deep breath and went to the door. When she pulled on the handle, the door would not open.

“It is stuck,” she announced.