Page 43 of Moody

At one point, my eyes wandered across the room, and I thought I was seeing things. Unfortunately, I wasn’t.

She’s here?

Right after Wren’s eyes met mine, they turned to Keely.

“What the hell is Wren doing here?”

I didn’t realize I’d said that aloud until Shannon answered from behind me.

“I invited her.”

“How come you didn’t tell me she was coming?”

Understandably confused, Shannon shrugged. “I didn’t think you’d have an issue with it.”

“I’m sorry.” I shook my head. “You’re right. I don’t.”

“Who’s Wren?” Keely asked.

“She’s…” Right in front of my face.

Wren’s expression was serious as she stood before me.

Feigning a smile that probably looked like I’d been forced to eat dick, I said, “Hey, you.”

She let out a tense breath. “Fancy meeting you here.”

“Yeah. I didn’t realize you’d be here.” I swallowed.

“Where’s that guy you’re seeing?” Shannon asked. “I told you to feel free to bring a guest.”

“Sam and I aren’t seeing each other anymore.”

“Really?” I said.

“Yeah.” She turned to me. “I developed feelings for someone else. And I didn’t think it was fair to waste his time anymore.”

I swallowed hard.

She then turned to Keely. “Are you Dax’s date?”


Wren nodded. “You must be Adriana?”


“No, I’m Keely.” She looked over at me. “Who’s Adriana?”

“Sorry. I guess I can’t keep track,” Wren said. She abruptly walked away.

Shit. What have I done?

“Who is that girl?” Keely asked.

“She’s a friend,” I answered, my eyes still fixed on Wren’s back as she disappeared into the kitchen. “Will you excuse me a moment?”

When I walked into the kitchen, Wren was leaning against the counter with her hand on her chest as if she needed it to contain her heart.

I felt like absolute shit. “Wren…”

“Don’t say anything.” She walked over to the water cooler and grabbed a paper cup. “You don’t owe me an explanation.”

“Yes, I do. I would’ve never brought a date if I knew you’d be here.”

“You’re dating now? I thought you only fucked women. Well, any woman but me, apparently—you just fuck me with your tongue,” she seethed. “Now, a week later, you’re dating someone new? You seem to have moved on pretty quickly from whatever happened between us.”

“What happened between us is precisely why I brought her.”

She shook her head slowly. “I was looking forward to seeing you here tonight. I feel like such a fucking idiot.”

My stomach was in knots. “I’m not proud of the decision I made the other night with you. So I forced myself to find a distraction because I badly need one. I don’t…” I took a moment to catch my breath. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

“Well, you just did.”

We both looked over to find Shannon in the kitchen. She’d likely heard everything.

“I’m sorry, Shannon,” Wren said. “I have to leave.”

“No worries, honey.” Shannon glared at me, looking both confused and disappointed.

We watched as Wren stormed out of the kitchen. Shannon followed me back out to the living room. Keely had disappeared from her spot by the buffet table.

“Where’s Keely?” I asked, though I wasn’t really concerned about it now.

“She left. That’s what I came into the kitchen to tell you. Wanna tell me what the hell is going on?”

Thank God Rafe was still in the TV room and hadn’t witnessed this awkwardness. That could’ve been disastrous.

“You haven’t figured it out?” I asked.

“No, I have. I just want you to know you can talk to me. And I’m sorry if I caused a problem by inviting Wren.”

“No, you didn’t. It was fine.” I looked toward the door. “I need to go find her.”

“I take it you don’t mean Keely.”


“Go.” She waved me off. “Rafe is fine here with us.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, I’m sure.”

“I owe you one,” I said as I headed toward the door.

“Just add it to the tab,” Shannon joked.

I rushed out, and as soon as I hit the cold air outside, I took out my phone and texted Wren.

Dax: Where are you? We need to talk.

A few minutes passed, and I began to doubt she was going to respond. But then a text finally came in.

Wren: I’m heading home.

Dax: Can you meet me at my house? Or I can come to wherever you are. Whatever you prefer.

When she didn’t answer after a full minute, I typed again.

Dax: You don’t owe me anything, but I’d really appreciate the opportunity to better explain my actions.

The dots moved around for a while before she finally answered.

Wren: Fine.

Her car was parked in front of my house when I pulled up. She got out and rubbed her hands over her arms.

“It’s cold,” I said. “Let’s get you inside.” My heart nearly stopped, though, when I noticed she was sniffling. “Are you crying?”

“I’m feeling very emotional tonight, and before your head gets all big, it’s not for the reason you think.”

Rushing to the door, I opened it. “What’s going on, Wren?”

She followed me inside. “I went to the party to tell you something important. And seeing you there with her rattled me.”