Page 13 of Moody

“The cello is good for that. It has a reputation as one of the saddest of instruments.”

“I’d have to agree with that.” He leaned back in his chair. “Whatever became of that audition? Why are you massaging people when you should be traveling in some kind of orchestra? You’re certainly talented enough.”

“That audition was two years ago, and it was for a substitute cellist role, someone who can play at the last minute if one of the regular symphony cellists calls out.” I picked some lint off my pants. “I didn’t get the job, though.”

“That’s a shame. You’re very good.”

“I might seem good to you, but I’m not quite good enough for the symphony.”

“I wanted to hear more than just that song. But I couldn’t find anything else.”

“You clearly didn’t do enough online research.” I winked.

He gave me a look. “What am I missing?”

“I have my own channel.”

His eyes went wide. “Really…”

“It’s one of the only ways to get myself out there, to continue practicing and playing so I don’t throw away everything I’ve learned. It keeps me active and professional, and I make a little money on the side, depending on the number of views.” I grabbed my phone and pulled up my channel on the streaming site. “It’s not under my name, which is why it didn’t come up,” I explained as I showed him.

“RenCello. Spelled with no W.” He smiled. “Ten-thousand followers. Very cool. I’ll check it out. I admire your perseverance. I would imagine this channel is not something that’s easy to keep going when you’re working another job.”

“Well, with music, it’s first and foremost about the passion. You have to make the time. I mean, my dad was the one who chose to enroll me in lessons years back, but ultimately, I made the decision to continue because I love it.”

He stared at me a moment. “I’m curious about you. Do you mind if I ask some questions?”

“What made you ask for permission all of a sudden?” I teased, trying to keep it light. “Your massage appointments are definitely not the norm.”

“You think it’s strange that I want to know more about you?”

“No. I just have a hard time understanding you, in general. You were so aloof when I first met you. And you’re still guarded when it comes to yourself, yet you have this curiosity at the same time.” I chuckled. “You know what you remind me of?”


“A deer.”

Dax massaged his chin scruff. “Well, that’s a first. I’ve been called many things, but a deer is not one of them. Care to explain?”

“My dad’s mother lives in New Hampshire. Growing up, I’d play in the woods by her house. This beautiful deer would appear from time to time and give me this curious stare. But whenever I’d approach, it would run away. It wanted to stare at me, but as soon as I returned the attention, it would run.”

“Ah.” He nodded. “I suppose you’re right. I don’t want to share myself or give up control, but I do like learning about other people.”

“Well, you’re in luck, because I have nothing to hide. What do you want to know?” I straightened in my chair.

He took a drink of his wine and set it down. “You said your dad raised you alone. Obviously, I have a vested interest in learning more about that scenario because of my own situation. What was that like for you, not having a mother around from a young age?”

I twirled the stem of my glass between my fingers. “I hit the jackpot with my parents. Even though I only had my mom until I was five, I have fond memories of her. And my dad helps to ensure that I never forget her. There were always photos of her around, and not a day goes by that he’s not sharing some story about her. He also worked really hard to make sure I never felt different because I didn’t have a mother around. Of course, I felt the loss, but my father really filled both roles as best he could. Dad has always been my rock. We’re lucky to have each other. I couldn’t imagine life without him.”

“Your parents didn’t have any other kids?”

“No. My mother was unable to have children, and my father never remarried. Like Rafe, I was adopted. Except I was a baby when my parents got me.”

He scratched his chin. “I see.”

“My birth mother was apparently very young and made the choice many in her situation have to make. She chose not to have contact with me, but I never felt unwanted because my parents gave me all the love in the world. After my mother died, my father taught me that you can find reasons to smile even in the darkest moments. He’s definitely my hero.”

“He sounds like an amazing guy.”