Page 40 of Making Time for Us

Kids, man.

Chapter 16

Race Day


EllieandIdropthe kids off at school and pull out of the parking lot to run a few errands.

“Grocery store first?” I ask.

“Change of plans.” I look over at her in the passenger seat and her smile is ear to ear. “Get on highway 69 and head south.”

“Where are we going?” I ask, my eyebrows tightly drawn.

“You’ll see! Highway 69, go south.”

Unsure but not wanting to argue, I follow her directions. After twenty-five minutes on the highway with her fidgeting in her seat quietly next to me, I ask, “Where are we going?”

“GPS says exit forty-two is three miles away. Turn left at the first light and we’ll be there.” She claps her hands in front of her giddy face.

Three miles later, I turn left. I’m greeted by an enormous sign that saysMotorCity Speedway Training Facility. My eyes practically bulge out of my head.

“Right here!” She points to the entrance. The excitement in her eyes matches the tempo of my beating heart.

I follow the path down a wooded area as I see a race car that disappears into the lush green trees.

Speechless with wide eyes, I turn to her for confirmation, and she beams. “Surprise! You’ve got a reservation to drive a NASCAR stock car this morning! Weather is perfect for it too.”

“What? When did you do this?” I stammer, too choked up to get the words out easily.

“I made the reservation online the day after we talked about our lists. You didn’t mention anything that was just for you, so I thought about what you’d mentioned in the past and I remembered you saying you wanted to drive a race car a couple of times. I figured now is the perfect time!” She claps her hands in front of her again. “Take the bull by the horn type thing. We’ve always saidwhen the kids are older or we have money set aside,but I don’t think it’s ever going to get easier or less expensive. You work your butt off and always put us first, so I wanted to give you something that was only for you.”

Even with all she has on her plate, she is always thinking about whatIwant and need. My body flushes with the gravity of her thoughtfulness. “Babe. I can’t believe you did this.” I park and turn towards her and kiss her cheek. “Thank you so much.”

“Of course. I can’t wait to see you drive!”

We walk hand-in-hand to the office to check in with the receptionist. The next hour is a blur as I fill out loads of paperwork, watch a safety video, and meet with a man named Jim to get a bodysuit and learn about the car.

Ellie’s excitement is palpable as she sits next to me every step of the way. I may look cool and collected on the outside, but on the inside, I’m right there with her. I’m like a kid waiting until the end of the party to finally get his birthday cake.

I haul ass almost every day at work, but I have to be on high alert every second. As I’m speeding, I’m going over the call in my head and what shit could go down when I pull up. I’m focusing on the road and paying attention to everyone else because some idiots don’t yield to the lights and sirens. I’m filled with anxiety, worry, and dread because I know my need for speed is because someone is hurt or committing a crime, and there’s a real potential that I could get hurt when I get there. Nothing about rolling code feels fun or exciting.

This.This feels fun and exciting. I get to hop into a NASCAR car and feel the road under me, knowingthat’sthe whole reason I’m here. No one is depending on me. No one is waiting for me to fuck up. I just get to be in this moment.

“You ready?” Jim asks.

“Hell yes,” I reply a little too loud, and both he and Ellie chuckle.

I cup her cheeks and bring my lips down on hers with force. Looking into her bright eyes, I say, “Thank you so much for this.”

“You’re welcome.” She smiles proudly. “Now get going, Verstappen!”

I chuckle. I love that she tries to love what I love, even when she can’t keep it all straight. “Alright, Jim. I’m ready!”

The car next to me is a beauty, custom-built for speed and precision. I’m sure Jim thinks I’m an idiot because I’m so excited that I’m shaking, but I couldn’t care less. This is a once-in-a-lifetime experience and I’m set to go.

“Since you’re a tall guy, you need to be careful when you climb in the window to not dislodge anything or hurt yourself. I’ve already taken the steering wheel off so you can get in,” Jim says.