He said nothing for a few moments as he helped her disrobe. Once he had divested her of the pins that held the bodice of her dress in place, he cupped her face in his palms.

“I understand that especially for a beautiful woman such as you, it must be hard to reconcile going into society, braving the inevitable remarks which would initially abound. I concede to the veil on two conditions.”

She met his determined gaze. “And they are?”

“You put aside the black, it does not suit you, and you are no longer in mourning. Your family died five years ago.”

“I only wore black initially for my family. I kept on wearing it to mourn my loss of you.”

He leant forward, kissing her lips swift and hard. “Then we are agreed, the widow’s weeds shall go.”

She gave a nod of agreement. “The second condition?” she prompted.

“That after you have worn the veil in company, that on the next occasion you meet with those same people, you leave the veil aside.”

She gasped a protest.

“Yes, Angele. I insist. I shall stand beside you every time you are without the protection of the veil. No one would dare to make an unkind remark in my presence, but in any case, I do not see the friends we associate with doing so.”

He was adamant, even though she argued heatedly, explaining that she needed to cover her face at functions where the guest list was wider than family and friends.

“I agree initially,” he finally conceded, “but eventually I hope that you will become confident enough to leave the wretched thing off altogether.” He dropped his hands to her hips and lifted her over his shoulder.

She giggled. Walking behind the screen, he deposited her into the warm water.

Angele relaxed into the cloth-covered bath, the linen softening the hard edges of the metal. She bent her knees and sank up to her chin, luxuriating in the heat. She pondered Gabriel’s words about her veil, relieved she had his understanding. Perhaps with her beloved’s support she might one day feel confident enough to appear in public unveiled, but somehow she doubted it.

Chapter 10

After luncheon, they retired to their chamber. Gabriel gave strict instructions that they were not to be disturbed until they rang for assistance. He undressed her and placed her gently onto the four-poster bed.

“You are exhausted. Sleep. I shall awaken you in good time to dress for dinner.”

She smiled up at him wearily. “Oui,I am fatigued, but please join me and hold me. I have longed for your embrace for such a very long a time.”

“I shall hold you until you fall asleep, but that is all for now. You need your rest. I shall awaken you with kisses on both your sets of lips.”

She giggled. “You are outrageous!”

He winked. “You, madam, are delightful!” He lay on top of the bed and gathered her close, her head nestled on his shoulder. “Close your eyes.”

She obeyed, and he leaned down to kiss each of her eyelids in turn.

“The first thing you shall see next you open your eyes, will be my face.”

She gave a sweet smile and curled about his large frame. Moments later, she slept.

He must have slept, too, because he was having the most delicious dream, one where he was making love to Angele and at the point of culmination. He awoke. The amazing sensations continued. He groaned, feeling the tide of his sap rising. He snapped his eyes open. He was lying upon his back, a cascade of blonde hair spread across his flanks. His wife’s head bobbed licentiously at his crotch. With bulging eyes, he realised that this was no dream. He was about to spend. The wonderful, wet warmth drawing him to completion was caused by the heat from Angele’s mouth. It was clear to him she had not lost her touch. There was nothing he could do to stem the rise of his seed. Within seconds, his back bowed with the heady rush of pleasure that surged up his swollen rod, filling his wife’s sweet mouth with his copious essence.

“Witch!” he accused, once capable of speech.

She slid sinuously up his body, leaning upon his chest, giving a saucy twitch of her lips. Her dancing blue eyes studied him.

“Christopher calls me that for an entirely different reason,” she told him.

He raised a questioning brow as he placed his hands beneath his head so he could gaze into her eyes more easily.

“Are you going to explain?” he prompted.