“Stop, do not speak, for you will only make me livid once more, and I do not wish to spank you again—not right now, but perhaps later. Now I need to hold you in my arms in order to convince myself that you are real, solid flesh and blood. I still cannot believe the evidence of my own eyes. Dear God,Angele…”

He tipped her back onto the bed. Leaning forward, he gently swept his thumbs over her cheeks to remove her happy tears. He smiled tremulously; she returned his quirky grin. A gasp escaped her as he cupped and kneaded the soft, pliable flesh of her bosom, and she moaned softly. He fondled her, stroking the mounds of her breasts through the ruined fabric of her dress

“You wish to spend again?” he whispered in a deceptively smooth tone, but she knew his wily ways of old.

“Only if you permit me to, Sir,” she replied carefully.

“Ha! Well, I do not. You deserve no more pleasure for your act of deliberate cruelty. Tell me, why did you and the maid take my horses and attempt to run away yesterday?”

His finger and thumb inched below her décolletage and pinched her burgeoning nipple; she gasped again. “I-I knew that I could not stay after you had seen my hair. I thought you might guess at my identity and so I decided to return to Churchton to speak with Mary and to fetch Christopher.”

His gaze sharpened. “My sister knows that you live?”

She nodded.

His face darkened. “Robin shall hear of this. My sister shall pay dearly for her lack of loyalty towards her brother.”

“Non! Please, my lord, I beg of you. Your sister loves you dearly. She counselled me to tell you at once. Please do not exact retribution. Mary told me plain that should I fail to tell you the truth during my visit, then she would be forced to do so.”

He appeared to be scrutinising her face for any sign of insincerity. She held her breath. He relaxed, obviously satisfied there was no hint of culpability. She breathed.

“Very well then, I shall say nothing to Robin but I shall ask my sister to spin the yarn among her contacts within thetonthat you suffered with the amnesia after the attack in Paris which killed your family and left you for dead. Mary can spread word that you retired to a convent in order to recover from your wounds but recently regained your memory and returned home to me, bringing our son with you.”

“Oui, my lord, but what of your engagement?”

“Ah, so you know of Noelle. Would you have allowed me to commit the heinous sin of bigamy?”

She hesitated a little too long.

“Fie, madam, if your delectable posterior were due retribution before, it is due double the chastisement now that I know the full extent of your duplicity.”

Chapter 9

If Joseph thought it at all odd that the lady in black was no longer wearing her veil, or that his lordship was behaving in an over familiar manner with his female guest on their ride back to the house, he knew better than to comment or to gossip on his return.

Together they returned to Michaelmas Hall seated in the sleigh. On this occasion, St. Nicholas did not drive but sat cuddled with Angele, seated behind Joseph who drove them home, competently keeping the mules moving at a slow yet steady pace. Gabriel placed a protective arm about his wife. He’d wrapped them warmly with blankets then piled furs atop until they were snug. Holding Angele close, he remained stunned at the sudden turn of events, his mind racing with all that had occurred.

The ride was uneventful. The top layer of snow had melted slightly in the winter sunshine, making the journey smooth. They did not talk other than to comment on the winter scene. Weak sunshine turned the snow-covered landscape into a glittering fairyland, one that blazed blindingly white and pure, achingly beautiful to behold.

On their arrival at the house, Gabriel checked that the horses had been taken care of and had suffered no damage from their icy adventure. He returned to the sledge and lifted Angele from her nest and, carrying her inside the house, he immediately summoned his butler and the housekeeper. Reintroducing them to his wife, he gave them the same explanation he had decided upon at the cottage. They both were effusive in their welcome of their long-lost mistress. Mrs. Berry openly shed tears of joy, while Mr. Carroll’s eyes looked suspiciously misty.

Gabriel was pleased to note that these two bastions of his household were obviously thrilled by Angele’s resurrection and return to their midst. He remembered to ask after the maid, Ivy, and was reassured by Mrs. Berry that she was presently seated before the kitchen range recovering with a steaming mug of cocoa, especially made for her by cook.

Gabriel ordered his wife’s belongings to be moved into the adjoining chamber to his and a warm bath to be prepared for her. There was ample time before luncheon was served.

A connecting door meant freedom of movement between the two newlyweds without the prying eyes or censorship of the servants. It was a luxurious room that she had resided in happily during their early marriage.

Once they were alone again, he seated himself beside the fire and smiled at her. She returned his smile and moved to stand on the heath rug, turning her back in order to warm her derriere.

“That is a comfortingly familiar sight,” he said, holding out his hand to her.

“You always stood thus on a chilly winter’s day.”

As she placed her palm in his, he tugged her to him, bringing her down upon his knee.

“I need to know about the five years we have been apart—everything, every thought, word, and deed.”

She snuggled against him; a deeply contented sigh escaped her as he kissed her temple and tightened his hold.