Page 8 of Sub-Divided

“Brent sends his love and we’re in! I can go down now and collect the keys to number ninety-nine, which is just around the corner from you, Grandma. I’m so excited!”

Nicky wiped her hands and whooped as she hugged her. “Let’s go get the key right now and take a look at your new home. Oh!”

“What is it? Are you all right?”

“Mmm, yes, but I just remembered I’m not allowed to leave the house today. I’m afraid I’m grounded.”

Josie frowned then it dawned on her. “Shit, Grandpa punished you, didn’t he? Oh Grandma, I’m so sorry, this is entirely my fault!”

“No it isn’t,” a gravelly voice interrupted.

Josie blushed, her grandfather was an imposing figure of a man and for the first time as an adult, she recognized his very alpha male attraction purely as a man and not as her grandfather. She found herself thinking how handsome he would have been in his prime.

“Your grandmother lied to me. She knows I won’t tolerate lying. Why do you want to go out, Nicola?”

Josie knew her grandfather only called her grandmother by her full name when he was annoyed with her. Obviously she wasn’t fully forgiven yet. Josie quickly explained, hoping to convince him to let her grandmother go with her to the new house.

“I’ve been accepted by the board, Grandpa! Max and I are now officially members of Corbin’s Bend, isn’t that great!”

Liam grinned at her and moved to envelope her in huge bear hug. “Wonderful, congratulations, kitten. Did you want your grandmother to go out and celebrate?”

“No, but apparently I can pick up the keys from Jonathon before he finishes work at the Dome and I wanted Grandma to come with me to see my new home. Do you want to come too?”

Liam nodded. “I’ll drive you but I’m afraid your grandmother will have to remain here, she can come over tomorrow. She’s grounded today.”

Josie was shocked that there was no compromise, no discussion, just his decree. She was relieved that Max and she weren’t into a domestic discipline relationship. She was not sure whether she could obey an edict handed out like that. She turned and looked at her grandmother but Nicky simply looked resigned.

“Come along, let’s go, Josie, before the office closes.” Liam turned and retraced his steps to the front door.

Josie picked up her bag, slung it over her shoulder, then pecked her grandmother on her cheek and hurried out after her grandfather.

Nicky plonked herself down unthinkingly on one of the tall kitchen stools. “Ouch!” she yelped, leaping up. “Bloody man,” she muttered under her breath.

* * *

Liam and Josiewere just in time. Jonathon was clearing his desk as they arrived. The two men shook hands and Jonathon handed the keys to Josie along with a folder of papers with instructions to read the town rules.

The house Max and Josie had been allocated was a type one, wide design. It was all on one level and had a spacious living room, which flowed through into the separate kitchen, which had a huge storage cupboard and an adjoining laundry room. The other side of the house had an office with a bathroom and bedroom opposite. The bedroom was equipped with a massive closet for clothes. Josie was delighted with the house and prattled nonstop about it to her ever-patient grandfather. She was in full spiel about her planned color schemes and furniture placements when her phone began to chirrup. “It’s Max!” she told Liam with a wide smile. “Hi hon, how’s it going?”

Liam made hand signals to Josie indicating that he would wait for her in the car. She gave him a thumbs up to show that she’d understood him and leaned into her phone.

“Mm-hmm, yeah, that’s fine. Great, yeah, all right.” She relaxed as her grandfather left the room. “I can talk easily now, Max, Grandpa’s gone to wait for me in the car. So you’re going to see your sister and then come on here? Yeah okay, the day after tomorrow. I miss you sooo much! I am excited about finally living together properly. No I haven’t told anyone yet, I wanted to wait for you. I thought that we should tell them together. Hey, Max, guess what? I think Grandpa spanked my grandma, can you believe it? Surely not, come on! Oh, really? Yeah, I love you too, give my love to Lizzie. Drive safe, babe, and I’ll see you soon.”

Josie ended the call. She leant against the wall, a silly smile stuck on her face as she played the phone call back through her mind. He was officially out of the navy and all hers. He intended to spend the next couple of nights visiting his sister Lizzie and her family in Anaheim, California, before driving to Colorado and Corbin’s Bend.

She twirled around the empty living room giving in to her excitement. Everything was coming together at last, all their plans falling into place! Except her damn job. She stopped spinning, agitated by the sudden thought that she might not get the pediatric nurse position at the Medical Center. She knew that she wouldn’t starve. Max would be earning a darn good salary as an anesthetist. He would also be doing some work for the hospital in Denver.

But Josie wanted to work with the families and children who were part of the Corbin’s Bend community. She didn’t want to drive all the way to Denver to work. Damn Doctor Marcus Devon, who did he think he was, anyway, God Almighty?

On that depressing thought, Josie left. She locked up the house and went to join her grandfather in the car. Perhaps she should ask him to speak with Marcus Devon. Liam had a way about him that most people took to—come to that, so did she, usually. What was it about that miserable man that made him impervious to her charms?

When they arrived back, Nicky served them all soup and warm sour dough bread. Halfway through the meal the house phone rang. Liam answered. “Josie, Doctor Devon for you.” He handed the phone to Josie. She took it from him with obvious reluctance.


“Josie, hullo, Marcus Devon. I understand you helped my son Michael today. You also gave my wife some very sound advice. She brought Michael into the unit and I wanted to let you know that it turns out he has a mild concussion. I’m monitoring him at home but I wanted to thank you personally for helping him.”

“Um, thanks, it was the least I could do. Please say hi to Michael for me and tell Cadence that I got the keys to my place today and she’s welcome to come by anytime for coffee.”