Page 5 of Sub-Divided

Nicky sighed.Yup, she knew the routine all right. Naked corner time, followed by a sore bum and sometimes a lot of loving but other times, simply more corner time, it depended on her crime. Liam hated to be lied to and so she was expecting this to be a painful reminder of that fact. It was so unfair; it had been ages since she’d had a punishment spanking, almost four years, in fact. She’d even thought that she was too old and wise to ever receive a punishment spanking again. Hey-ho, this just showed you how wrong you could be, however old you got.

* * *

Meanwhile,Josie arrived at the Dome for her interview with the board. She knew that she was seeing Brent first but beyond that she had no idea what to expect from this interview. She shook hands with Jonathon. “Welcome, Josie, no Max with you as yet?”

“No, he expects to be here maybe the end of next week, I am not exactly sure.” Josie took a seat outside Brent’s office. She didn’t have to wait long. The tall blond man appeared with a welcoming grin and waved her ahead of him into the office.

“Hi there, come along in.”

Inside, Josie saw another woman seated beside Brent’s desk.

“This is Charmagne, my wife. Char, this is Josie Carter, the young woman I was telling you about.”

“How d’you do, Char?”

“Yup, I’m just fine, thanks, and you, how’re you fitting into Corbin’s Bend so far?”

“Really well, my grandparents live here and I’m staying with them until I know whether Max, my partner, and I are going to be accepted.”

Brent pulled out a chair for her. “Take a seat, Josie. The reason Char is here today is that she has expressed a wish to become your mentor and I do think you two might hit it off. What do you think?”

Josie studied the woman seated opposite her. She looked friendly, she was slightly older than her, she looked open faced and sure was pretty. Yeah, she thought it possible they could become friends. “Great!” she said, smiling.

“Char?” Brent prompted his wife.

“I want you to know that you can talk to me about anything, anytime, Josie. I’m broad-minded and in a DD relationship with my husband here. We have two small children and live just outside of town. I assure you I can keep a secret if you need to share, even from my husband.”

Brent shifted about in his seat. He rumbled, clearing his throat, but said nothing.

“Okay, well that’s good to know. I have a really great relationship with my grandmother Nicky but there are definitely things that I wouldn’t talk to her about.”

“I’m sure. Right, let’s swap details.”

Brent grinned at the two women as they put their heads together to exchange phone numbers. Char explained that she was excited about being Josie’s mentor and he admitted to them both that he’d had some reservations about the idea at first. He went on to say that after seeing them together, he felt confident this was an inspired pairing. He told Josie that he hoped his choice of mentor for Max would be just as successful.

“Right then, let’s go through into the conference room and meet the board. After you, ladies!”

Josie gulped, crossing her fingers as she followed Char out of Brent’s office. This was it, the final hurdle. How would it go? She hoped that she wouldn’t mess this up for Max’s sake, he was so keen for them to settle here.

* * *

She decidedto walk back to Heather Drive, where her grandparents’ house was situated. Josie put the upcoming vote by the housing board right out of her mind. She turned out of the Dome and jogged up the road. A child on a skateboard hurtled toward her. She jumped off the sidewalk and turned to watch as the small skater careened into a lamppost then shot forward, landing in a heap at the side of the road. She sprinted over to the child who turned out to be a young boy; she guessed he must be about ten. His head bled profusely and his knees were badly grazed. Josie hunkered down next to the injured child. “Hey there, that looked really cool until that lamp post jumped out and attacked you.”

“Yeah right, ouch, I hurt real ba-d,” he wailed.

She put her hand on his shoulder. “Just stay put for a while, kiddo, while I check you over. I’m a nurse, don’t be scared.”

“Huh, why would I be scared? I want to go home, have you got a car?”

Josie tilted the boy’s chin up so she could look into his eyes then with quick nimble fingers she felt along both of his ankles up to each knee for breaks. She lifted each of the boy’s hands and flexed his wrists, checking the bones in his hands and fingers. “You’ll live… what’s your name?”

“Michael, what’s yours?”

“I’m Josie, how d’you do, Michael?”

“Right now I hurt. I wanna go home!”

“Okay, I’ll walk with you and have a word with your mom. I have some wipes in my bag, so let’s clean the blood away before we go, otherwise folks might think the Zombies have arrived.”