Page 21 of Sub-Divided

“No, I swear the water was turned off when I got out. I’d have noticed it running while I dried myself, it was definitely turned off.”

He nodded. “Okay, I believe you. You know I love you and I want to marry you. Do you still want to marry me?”

She leaned toward him, mortified that he had to ask the question. “Oh Max, of course I do. I love you and yes, I still want to marry you!”

He reached out his hand and caressed her cheek. She nuzzled his palm. “I’m so glad,” he murmured. “You know I love you, honey?”

Tears filled her eyes. She felt bad that he’d doubted her love for him. Had she really been that distant?

“Yes, you have.”

Wow, she must have spoken that last thought aloud.

“Now, I want to understand this change of heart you’ve had about being my submissive. I am not going to interrupt until you’ve explained, okay?” He leaned back in the chair, legs splayed wide, his gaze centered on her face as she gathered her thoughts.

“I guess I don’t want to be like my grandmother just mindlessly obeying Grandpa. I’m a capable person. I’m good at my job. I can run my own life, make my own choices, but I do like that you take charge in the bedroom and I love playing at clubs with you. It’s simply that I don’t want some caveman type of relationship where you make all my decisions for me. Do you get that?” She leaned toward him, pleading for his understanding.

“Can I comment?” he asked.

“Yes, please.”

“I see before me a beautiful, submissive woman, kneeling naked, in a position that opens her body to my gaze, which shows me that she is willing to be dominated by me, her very lucky dominant. So how do I see my role as her dominant? Well, I am in charge in the bedroom, yes, but ultimately I see myself in charge of our relationship. My role is to make sure my submissive woman is happy and cared for, fulfilled but not simply in a sexual way. No, I want her to achieve whatever goals she sets out to attain. I want to support her through all her problems, offering her comfort and counsel. I want to love and protect her, respect and cherish her. In return I expect her to be respectful and submissive, which is her gift to me, one that is freely given. A gift I will always treasure and be grateful for because without her submission, I cannot fulfill my own role as her dominant, loving man. Now explain to me which part of that scenario you don’t want from me, Josie?”

She felt a lump form in her throat at his words. She wanted everything he offered—well, maybe not punishment spankings.

“The good comes with the bad, baby. You don’t get one without the other. I’m a fair man. You trust me, right?”

Had she spoken her thoughts aloud again?

“I trust you with my life!” she answered truthfully.

“But not your butt?” He grinned.

She smiled, her eyes filled with tears. In an instant she knew what she needed to do. “Permission to come over your, knee, Sir,” she whispered.

He opened his arms wide and she scrambled to her feet, going straight to him. He hugged her close.

“Oh baby, you have to understand that you need your punishment spankings, without them you tend to run off track. You need to trust me enough to know when you need correction and when you need some funishment. Okay baby, over you go now.” He turned her in his arms but she willingly bent herself over his lap and placed her hands on the floor.

“D’you want to remain my submissive and accept my correction, Josie?”

“Yes, I do, Sir.”

“Why are you getting a spanking, baby?”

She felt his palm smooth over her cheeks and clenched in preparation.

“Relax, little girl,” he ordered, and she released her buttock muscles.

“For my bad attitude today when we were at the O’Briens’ house.”

“That is correct. We’ll talk more after your punishment. What’s your safeword?”

“Feathers.” She knew he only asked that to remind her that she could halt her punishment at any time using her safeword. She still had control of the situation.

His hand landed lightly, with a pat. He continued to spank with what felt like love taps. This was all wrong. As the light bouncing smacks continued she felt resentment build. She needed this spanking to hurt in order to help her feel chastened. She would never get rid of her guilt otherwise…Ah, subtle.She got it then and squirmed.

“Something wrong, baby?” he asked.