Page 9 of Sub-Divided

“That’s really kind of you. I shall endeavor to remember to pass your messages on, although I should warn you that Cadence is very busy and any arrangement might have to wait a while. Goodbye.” She stared at the hand set in disbelief, could you believe the man?

“A real Doctor Doom and a bastard, to boot!” she bawled, slamming the phone down. Her grandfather narrowed his eyes at her.

“I’m building up quite a list to hand on to Max when he arrives, be careful, Josie,” he warned.

“Oh, Max won’t care. We’re not like you and Grandma. We don’t live a domestic discipline lifestyle.”

“What did Marcus want, have you got the job?” Nicky interrupted.

“Nope, nothing about the job, just a very stuffy and forced thank you for helping his son. That guy takes the biscuit, he really does!”

Nicky frowned. “That’s not like Marcus. He’s a very nice man, Josie. I think you’re mis-reading him.”

Josie wrinkled her nose with a shake of her head. “Nah, he’s a bastard through and through…Ouch!” She grabbed her bottom as a sudden stinging smack landed there.

“I warned you that I’d had enough, Josie.”

She couldn’t believe it; her grandfather had slapped her rump—and hard! She glared at his retreating back. “It appears that both my girls need an early night. I’ll wash the soup bowls. Now off to bed, the both of you!” Liam’s voice had deepened; Josie knew from his tone that he would brook no dissent.

She threw a questioning glance at her grandmother but Nicky dipped her head. Her gaze swiveling back to her grandfather, Josie found herself nodding obediently.

“Let’s hope that a good night’s sleep will improve your behavior tomorrow. Goodnight Josie, sleep well. Nicky, I’ll be in shortly. I want to find you tucked into bed, scoot!”

After Liam left the room, Josie hugged her grandmother. “Wow, I am so glad I don’t have that kind of DD relationship with Max.”

Nicky gave her a quizzical look. “Max is a Dom, you are his submissive. Tell me, what is so very different, honey?”

Josie frowned. “Well, I guess he lets me be myself most of the time. I’m only a sub in the bedroom.”

“Hmm, well, I shall be interested to see how that pans out when you’re actually living together. Sleep well, darling. Tomorrow I’ll come with you to help unpack as the storage company delivers your stuff.”

“Thanks, Grandma, you’re the best! Love you, sleep tight.” Josie hugged Nicky and went off to her bed feeling tired but happy. In two short days from now, Max would finally be here with her.

Chapter 5

“Phew, I’m beat. Isn’t this where we put the sofa the first time? How many times have we moved the darn thing around and now we’re right back where we started?” Josie flopped despondently onto an easy chair.

Nicky pushed her hand into her lower back and groaned. “Well, at least we’ve tried everywhere else so we know this is where it looks best placed. How about a cup of Joe? We deserve a break.”

“That’d be great but you rest. I’ll make it.” Josie bounced up off the chair and headed for the kitchen. Nicky flopped down on the sofa looking grateful. They had been shoving that couch around the living room for the past hour. Josie knew her grandmother was worn out.

She returned with the coffee that they sipped in companionable silence. There was a knock at the door. It swung open and a woman’s head appeared. “Coo-ee, it’s only me!”

“Come on in, Charmagne! D’you know my grandmother, Nicola?”

“Hiya, yes but only by sight. It’s nice to meet you properly, Nicola. How’s the move going?”

“We’re getting there slowly. Can I get you a coffee?” Josie asked, standing up.

“Nah, I’m good, thanks. I just wanted to say welcome to Corbin’s Bend and reiterate that I’m here if you need me. I’ll come by when Max arrives and introduce myself to him.”

“Can you tell me who his mentor is, just between us girls?”

Charmagne shook her head. “More than my butt’s worth, I’m afraid. I think Brent has chosen well. He and Max will get along I think. Icantell you that he’s slightly older than Max, but he’s a fun guy and easy to talk to.”

“You like him then?” Josie asked.

“Yeah definitely, great sense of humor. Anyway, enough said, I must run! Here, I brought you some of Angie’s cakes as a housewarming gift. If you haven’t tried her baking yet, you’re about to get addicted! They are pure delicious heaven. Must run, got to pick the kids up, see ya!” Josie took the box from Charmagne and walked her to the door. Returning, she handed her grandmother the box of pastries.