Josie felt considerable unease now that Sandy was free to return to Corbin’s Bend but Max reassured her that she was genuinely contrite about what she’d put them through. She’d confessed to putting the moth larvae into their closets and admitted to causing both floods. She’d apparently taken an impression of Josie’s house key early on and had her own copy made. She also admitted to letting the air out of Josie’s tire. She’d rented a car and driven Josie off the highway, although she confirmed that she had no intention of actually hitting her.
Apparently she’d also planned to steal Josie’s phone, wallet and purchases after she admitted to drugging her on their girls’ night out in Denver. She told Max that she couldn’t go through with her plan when it came down to it because she’d liked Josie too much. Max decided he definitely wasn’t going to press charges against Sandy, especially since she stated adamantly that she’d only intended tearing up their house but had no intention of stabbing anyone. She said that she’d been shocked at their early return to the house and she seemed genuinely remorseful that she had actually nicked him with the knife.
The incident sobered her enough to agree with her doctor’s assessment that she needed to continue getting psychiatric help on her return to Seattle. Her parents gave their support and promised to phone Max in a month with a report on how Sandy was coping.
* * *
Tenof them gathered in a horseshoe around the desk in Brent’s office; Nicola and Liam, Max’s sister and brother-in-law, Max and Josie, her father, and Marcus and Cadence. Charmagne stood beside her husband, holding their small son Jackson by the hand, all ready to hand Brent the certificates for signing when the time came. Kayla danced about the room with her basket of rose petals, sprinkling so many over the carpet that Charmagne bent to whisper in her ear, reminding her to save some for after the couple were married.
Josie had dressed in a new, cream, fitted dress that wrapped her figure, showing off her curves and small waist perfectly. She wore her mother’s engagement ring on her right hand and Max’s engagement ring on her left. Nicky and Liam had given her a pair of diamond ear studs for a wedding gift, which twinkled, catching the light every time she moved her head. Her fair hair was artfully lifted back off her face, softly woven into a thick French plait that snaked down her back, entwined with a mix of creamy flowers, which Charmagne had woven between the thick ropes of hair.
Max glanced sideways at her. She could tell from his expression that he thought she looked gorgeous. He winked at her but appeared nervous as he fingered something in his suit pocket. She felt proud of him as he stood beside her looking smoking hot in his classy suit. Brent cleared his throat and immediately there was an expectant hush as everyone turned to face him.
“Family and friends of Josie and Max, we are gathered here together at their request, to honor their wish to commit to one another in marriage.”
Josie tuned out from the murmur Brent’s statement elicited within the room. Dreamily she wondered what her mother would have thought of this simple affair. Would she have approved of such a small and intimate wedding? She felt a hand take hers in a warm clasp. Looking up, she saw her father smiling at her. He squeezed her fingers and she pressed his hand, returning his gesture. She became aware of Brent reciting the formal words of the marriage ceremony.
“Do you, Josie, take this man to be your husband, to love, honor and to obey?” Brent paused.
Josie replied, “I do.” She was surprised when Max gently turned her toward him and pulled a small package from inside his jacket pocket. Pouring the contents into his palm, he handed his sister an empty pouch.
“Josie, do you consent to becoming not just my wife but also my submissive… and not just in the bedroom?” he added.
Everyone chuckled.
“Yes, Sir, I do,” she answered firmly, pleased at the smile that lifted his lips. He turned her around and fastened a chain about her neck. It felt surprisingly light. A double row of gold, heart-shaped links formed the chain. Center front, a larger, white gold heart lay against her throat. She fingered the beautiful thing before standing on tiptoe in order to kiss her handsome bridegroom’s cheek.
“Hey! No kissing the groom until I pronounce you man and wife,” Brent teased with a grin. He continued the ceremony, finally getting to the giving and receiving of rings. Her ring was decorated with a small, white gold heart set in the center of a solid band of gold. The heart matched the larger one set into her collar.
The ring she’d chosen for Max was a simple, solid band of platinum. She’d had their Christian names and wedding date inscribed inside the ring. She would show that to him later on, there was no time now. She pushed the ring up onto his finger, reciting the words that Brent asked her to repeat after him.
Finally the ceremony was over. They signed the documents, along with their witnesses. They were married. Max drew her into his arms and his lips closed over hers. Whistles and feet stamping filled the room around them. Brent swept his daughter up onto his shoulders and Kayla emptied the remaining petals over their heads as they kissed. Everyone began to clap.
They were all invited over to the O’Donnells’ house where a feast of a wedding breakfast awaited.
As they stood waiting for Liam to drive the car around to the front of the Dome, Josie’s father caught her arm and drew her aside.
“Darling, I just wanted to tell you how happy your mother would have been for you today. You look radiant, she would have been so proud of you! I have always liked Max. I think Tabby would have done too. I’m sure you will both be very happy together. Congratulations, darling.” He leaned in and kissed her cheek.
“Thanks, Dad, that means an awful lot to me. Can I ask you something?”
“Sure, honey.”
“Would Mom have approved of my lifestyle choice, d’you think?”
Her father slipped his arm around her and pulled her in for a hug. “When Tabby knew she was dying, she made me promise not to try and impose our views on you after she’d gone. She told me that she thought she and I were guilty of being judgmental toward her parents. On reflection, she’d realized how happy her parents had been together and how really their lifestyle was no one else’s business but their own. They weren’t harming anyone. She told me that I should always be ready to offer you advice, if you asked for it, otherwise she wanted me to leave you to make your own decisions. You betcha she would have approved of Max. He’s a great guy and you seem to be very happy.”
Warmth flooded her at hearing that. “Yes, you’re right, wearehappy. Thanks, Dad.” She pecked his cheek and he wrapped her up in a warm embrace.
“Dad, do me a favor, tell Grandma that Mom said all that because it would mean the world to her and Grandpa. I think they feel guilty about the fact their daughter hated their lifestyle.”
“Tabby would hate to know that. Of course I’ll talk to them, honey.”
“Thanks, Dad, and thank you for being such a wonderful father.”
They embraced again. Her father pulled a handkerchief from his pocket and blew his nose. Josie glanced over to where Max stood with one hand casually in his trouser pocket as he chatted with his sister and brother-in-law. He looked up and caught her gaze, flashing her an easy grin. She shivered; he looked so god-dammed sexy in that expensive suit and white shirt. He winked and suddenly she wished everyone gone. She wanted him all to herself. Then she remembered: he was hers for the rest of her life. She had plenty of time to watch him strip off that gorgeous suit.
She gave her father a quick squeeze before sauntering across to Max. He held out a welcoming arm and she slipped beneath it, knowing it was precisely where she belonged. Josie was no longer a sub divided. She was home at last, in Corbin’s Bend.