Page 4 of Sub-Divided

“Remember I told you about the bossy driver I pulled out in front of yesterday?”

“Yes, perhaps best not to tell your grandfather about that.”

Josie threw her grandmother a suspicious glance. “And why not?”

“Hmm, well, I don’tthinkhe’d spank his granddaughter, but the thing is you can never tell with Liam. He takes his family’s safetyveryseriously. He might decide to tell Max and let him deal with it, or he could simply deal with the situation himself. I think it might be best for us to simply remain mum about it.”

Josie was shocked by her grandmother’s revelation that her grandfather might spank her. She readily nodded an agreement. She would definitelynotbe telling her grandfather about her lapse in driving concentration, not if there was the slightest chance a spanking might be the outcome!

“The interview?” Nicky prompted.

“Absolutely ghastly, darling!” Nicky rolled her eyes and giggled.

“Forget the comedy act, just tell me what happened?”

“Doctor Devon was the driver I pulled out in front of when I was driving up here yesterday.”

“No! Blast it! Not a hope in hell of your grandfather not finding out about this now.”

“But why?”

“The Tops have a man den down in the basement of the Dome. They share everything they think other Heads of Household need to know about their Taken in Hands. Marcus is bound to tell Liam about you pulling out without looking and we’ll both end up bottoms to his Top.”


“I mean that we will get spanked for sure. Well, I knowIshall be.”

“Grandpa needn’t know that you knew anything about it.”

“Oh believe me, he’ll know.” Nicky nodded sagely. “He might be aging, but your grandfather wasn’t born yesterday.” She sighed. “I think it best that I tell him all about it when I get home today and hope he doesn’t see through me. Don’t worry, I’ll suggest he tells Max when he arrives, rather than speak to you about it himself.”

“Gee, Grandma, thanks!” Josie whined.

“Sorry, but that’s the best I can do, kiddo. Now, tell me about the interview, then we’ll order, my treat.”

Chapter 3

“So you see, I wanted to explain before you heard the tale from Marcus Devon.” Nicky kept her back to Liam as she explained about Josie’s close shave with the doctor’s car. She was emptying the dishwasher, clattering plates and cutlery in a business-like manner.

“How long have you known about this?” Liam asked, watching the guilty signs his wife gave away as she kept busy and avoided his gaze.


“How long, Nicky?”

“Oh, um, Josie mentioned something about it when she first arrived but I only got the full story from her today.”

“Come here, angel.”

Nicky turned to face her husband. He crooked a finger at her. When she reached him, Liam used the same finger to tilt up her chin, looking directly into her eyes. He knew her so well after forty years of marriage. He knew when she was lying.

“I don’t care aboutwhenyou knew, but I do care that you are lying to me right now.”

“No, Liam, I—”

“Don’t bother, Nicola, I know when you lie to me and the signs are there. You’re getting spanked for lying to your HOH, lady. Go into the bedroom and wait for me in your corner; you know the routine.” He turned her about and gave her still trim butt a swat to set her moving in the right direction.

* * *