Page 137 of In Sheets of Rain


Yes, Suit Guy

The sun shone into the meeting room like a blinding light. The air conditioner was struggling to keep the temperature down with so many people in such a small space. Michael stood up the front of the room, accepting a gift from the director for his length of service to the firm.

Everyone clapped. I couldn’t stop smiling.

When he gave his acceptance speech, he made people laugh. He spoke with a deep voice that seemed to mesmerise the entire room. He told jokes and anecdotes, about the staff he’d worked with and doctors he’d met with. He told them all about the dirty tyre trick when you’re late for an appointment. He mentioned chocolate fish.

When his speech was over, the room erupted. Michael had a way about him. He commanded attention.

And he was mine.

He approached me while everyone dug into the platters of food off to the side.

“Want to see what it is?” he asked, holding up the envelope the director had given him.

“Absolutely,” I replied.

He ripped into the paper and pulled out a brochure. On the front, it saidAir New Zealand Mystery Weekend. I smiled.

“It’s an overseas one,” he said. “Not just around NZ.”

“Where to?” I asked.

“Well, it’s a mystery.” Of course.

We locked eyes together.

He said, “It’s for two.”

I tapped the side of my cheek in mock consternation.

“Whoever will you take with you?” I asked.

“Hmm,” he said, leaning against the wall beside me. “I’m really not sure. There are just so many women to choose from.”

I whacked him on the arm, and he laughed.

“When shall we go?” he asked.

“Next weekend,” I said, and he smiled.

“Pack light,” he whispered. “You won’t need much clothing in bed.”

* * *

Our mystery destination was Melbourne, Australia. It was raining when we arrived. But somehow Melbourne suited it. A misty rain that made everything seem romantic.

Or it could have been the man at my side.

We walked along the river hand in hand, the rain pattering down on top of our shared umbrella. Michael pointed things out to me. We dodged puddles. We ate risotto in a riverside restaurant while listening to Rod Stewart singIt Had To Be Youover the stereo.

We drank expensive wine.

We made love each night.

He bought me a watch. A silver LonginesDolceVitathat looked expensive on my arm.