OK, Then
It was pouring with rain when I arrived at the call centre. My heart beat a terrifying tattoo inside my chest. I dodged the puddles, and held on tight to the papers; juggling the umbrella, the folder, and my nerves.
I stood under the awning and stared at the keypad, realising I was no longer authorised to use the code.
I stood there, and I contemplated life, and then I picked the handset up on the phone and held it to my ear.
Ringtones and raindrops. A frantic voice crying down the line,I can’t stop it. It’s everywhere. The glass just broke. His arm! Oh, God. The blood. Come quickly! Please!
“Comms,” a female voice I didn’t recognise said.
“Hi,” I said. “It’s Kylee Dunn.”
“I’m here to see Sean.”
“Just one minute.” The line went dead.
I stood there and stared at the door, counting the number of panels it was made of.
The rain fell. The puddles filled up with more water. The chill invaded until it reached my bones.
I stood there, and I waited.
More than just one minute.
I watched the headquarters staff park their cars and go about their business.
I watched an ambulance pull into the rear of the station next door and the garage door roll up to greet them.
I watched raindrops fall down from the sky as if tears from heaven.
Ambulance Emergency.
I can’t stop it. It’s everywhere. The glass just broke. His arm! Oh, God. The blood. Come quickly! Please!
I stood there, and no one saw me. No one heard me. No one recognised a fellow ambo who once had been part of their family.
The door opened, and I spun back to face Sean.
He looked at me, and I looked at him, and he said, “Sorry. Only just got the message you were here.”
I nodded my head and followed him inside.
He took me to the old part of Comms. The part where I first picked up a triple one call. Where I dispatched my first ambulance.
The desks were bare. The lights were off. It was a ghost of memories and yet was full of voices.
Ambulance Emergency.
I can’t stop it. It’s everywhere. The glass just broke. His arm! Oh, God. The blood. Come quickly! Please!
“Take a seat,” he said.