Page 20 of Malum Discordiae


“Well, lucky for you, we were already headed there,” Aaron chimed in. “What do you think, kids? Should we head on up?”

“Now’s as good a time as any, I suppose.”

We were headed down the hall towards the door that led to the attic when I heard something. I stopped. “Did you guys hear that?” I asked.

“Some kind of knocking, right?” Sky said.

“I heard it, too,” Aaron confirmed.

“It sounded like it did last night. Three quick raps. But I couldn’t tell where they came from. Could you?” I looked at Sky.

The knocking came again. Three more taps in quick succession.

“If I had to guess,” she said, “I’d say from above, but it’s hard to tell with how this place echoes, and we don’t know what’s up there that could be causing it.”

“What the hell was that?” Aaron suddenly said, and Sky and I turned to see him spinning to face the other direction.


“I swear I just saw something walking down the hall.”

“Where? Could it have been someone from the cast?” Sky asked.

“Down there. Towards the end of the hall. It was like a black mass. Kind of human-shaped but not really.”

“Did you catch it on camera?” I inquired.

“It was slightly in my peripheral vision, but my body was partly turned that way. I hope so. The camera should have a wide enough angle on the lens,” he said.

“Oh, shit.” I shook my head.

“What?” Sky moved closer.

“I left the walkie in the bedroom. Give me a second to grab it before we head up.”

She and Aaron nodded, and I turned and clicked on my mini-flashlight, ready to head back to the bedroom. Suddenly, I stopped, something grabbing my attention out of the corner of my eye. I crouched and shone the light on the floor, noticing the moisture there. I moved the beam up the hall a ways and saw that there was more.

“Uh, guys?”

They both came up to me, and I hit the puddles with the light. “You’re seeing this, right?”

“What the hell?” Seemed it would be a repetitive statement for Aaron tonight.

Sky crouched beside me and took in what I was looking at. She reached out and swiped her finger through it before I could stop her.

“Sky!” I exclaimed.

“What?” she said. “We need to see what it is.” She brought her finger to her nose and sniffed.

“If you put that in your mouth,” Aaron said, “I’m quitting. Probably after I puke all over you. Just don’t.”

She rolled her eyes and shot him a glare. “It’s water, you big baby. But where did it come from?” She looked at the walls and the ceiling, felt the floor beyond and in front of the areas affected and then shook her head.

I had no idea. But . . . “There have been documented cases of demonic hauntings where unexplained moisture became present. Footsteps of water with no feet to leave them. Oil seeping from plastic window blinds with no explanation. Cabinets dripping with no rhyme or reason and not from anyplace that could cause it. Make sure to get this all on film. I’ll be right back.”

I took a few more steps towards the bedroom we had been in earlier when the other three bedroom doors and the bathroom door suddenly slammed closed.