I haven't heard from him in four days. I should feel relieved. Isn't that what I wanted in the first place? To never see this man again because he scares me?

To be honest, he scared me in the past, but he doesn't scare me anymore. Now I don't even know what I feel about him. I know I ran away like a coward; I couldn't even finish my workday. I expected to see him the next day, but he didn't show up.

I was afraid that Alexa would fire me after what I did. I couldn't last on that job for even one full day. But she didn't. She said that Mr. Darrington was the one who canceled the lesson, so she has no claims against me.

I have had four workdays since then. Two school kids came to learn how to ride and one sixteen-year-old girl. We had terrific lessons together; I almost forgot that work can bring that much joy. But for some reason, I was waiting for Raphael to come to the stable, at least to talk to me, but he didn't.

Raphael lied to her to protect me. Why did he do that? Does he feel obliged because of what we had in that valley? And what exactly did we have? He did not insist on his release, but why? I was completely ready. And it's not like he has a problem. I felt his hardness brushing against me all the way that he pleased me.

"Katie, Katie, Katie!" my sister screams loudly, jumping with joy as she enters the kitchen, interrupting my thoughts. "You won't believe it!"

I haven't seen Marie this happy for a long time.

"Why are you jumping? Are you allowed to do that?" I ask with worry in my voice. For the last couple of months, Marie has become so weak that she could barely walk.

"Yes! I'm allowed to do anything! Cancer is not an execution, sis!" She hugs me tightly, her tender body shaking as she tries to squeeze me.

"What are you talking about?" I ask when she finally lets me go.

To be honest, I haven't seen Marie this happy in a long time. Since she was diagnosed with the last stage of blood cancer and received her first chemotherapy, she can barely walk. And it's been over a year since then.

"Do you remember those costly shots Dr. Merrit was talking about? He said they are experimental and are not covered by insurance."

Of course, I remember them. He said that one shot would cost around eight thousand pounds, and not a penny would be covered by insurance. I was in shock. I've already spent all of our family money on Marie's treatments, and all we have left to sell is the house, but I can't sell it since it belongs to Marie and me, and I have to wait until she turns eighteen to get her agreement to sell the property.

I begged Dr. Merrit to put Marie on the list of people who get the treatment for free as test subjects, but he said that those lists are fully booked, and the testing is being done in Germany. He could've put her on the waiting list, but she's too young. Doctors believe that her body can handle the chemotherapy, and that's why they are not providing those procedures for people like her. What nonsense!

I was devastated that day. I was crushed. It was about a month ago, maybe more, but I still feel bitterness when I think about it.

"I had the first shot today!" Marie exclaims loudly, jumping again and reaching for one more hug.

"What? But how?" My head starts spinning. I know that even if Marie got on that waiting list, she wouldn't get that experimental treatment so soon. There's a lengthy procedure before that.

"I don't know!" She shrugs, looking at me, still shaking with excitement.

"What does that mean, you don't know? How can you not know?"

"Some charity organization chose me randomly and paid my treatment in full. Can you believe that?" She screams again with joy and jumps to the fridge to open it. "I even want to eat, can you imagine? I had no appetite at all, and now I want pizza. Can we order pizza? Please, please, please..."

I’m not listening anymore because my head feels like it will burst. A charity organization paid for Marie's treatment? Which charity organization? I contacted them all, not only from our district but all over the country. They all told me that they could only provide medicine already approved by the government. I was so pissed off; I knew that the chemotherapy was free and already offered. Why do we need those organizations then?

"They already gave me a shot since it's paid in full. Dr. Merrit wanted to call you first, but since he knows that you wanted those treatments for me, he found your agreement to put me on the waiting list if the time comes, so he didn't want to wait any longer!"

Marie says a lot more, but I can't concentrate on what she says because I'm too distracted by my own thoughts. Yes, I am delighted that she will finally receive that treatment and doesn't have to wait six more months until she turns eighteen, and I'll be able to sell the house. And I can see perfectly that those treatments are simply magical, at least because they give her this much energy. Yes, she might be overexcited now, which is why she's so energetic, but those treatments are still excellent. Over sixty-five percent of people live on those treatments for years after they start getting them.

And I know only one person who could've paid for those treatments in total.

I grab my coat rapidly and head to the front door.

"Where are you going?" Marie asks out of surprise, looking at the clock in the kitchen. It's eight-thirty in the evening, but I don't care.

"Take the money from my bag. You may order anything you want. I'll be back soon," I retort and open the door without waiting for Marie's response.

I have to talk to him. Now.

Chapter Fifteen
