
"Hey, sweetie, bring me another beer!" a middle-aged man in a plaid shirt yells to me across the pub with an accent I'm not able to recognize.

Swedish? Eastern Europe? I shake my head involuntarily as if reminding myself that it doesn't matter. That table of five truckers have been sitting here since early evening; they came in right after I started my work shift. And, according to the number of beers they drank, they're not leaving any time soon.

I take a look at the watch on my wrist: it's half-past one, but I'm already exhausted, even though my shift doesn’t end until six in the morning. I take a deep breath and head to the bar to grab another pint of beer.

A roadside pub twenty miles from home was the only job offer I got after Mr. Darrington refused to give me a job. The salary here is nothing compared to what he offered, and I have to work almost three times longer. But I'm not in a position to reject a job offer—any job offer—since I really need the money.

Why did I have to break that vase? Maybe if I hadn't, I would've gotten that job.

Something deep down inside me hints that I'm wrong, and it wasn’t about the vase. And it's not only because someone as rich as Raphael would care that much about the price of crystal; it's something else. My gut tells me that I didn't get that job for other reasons, but I guess I'll never find out what they were.

"Katie, your beer," Jen, the owner of the bar, wakes me up from my thoughts.

I look at the bar counter and see a glass of beer standing there. The foam has already started to melt.

"Sorry," I say and grab the beer quickly, rushing to the truckers' table. I have to stop thinking about Darrington, or I may lose this job, too.

But just thinking about that man makes my body tense, my pulse rise, and the butterflies I never knew existed start dancing in my stomach.

When he touched my hand, something happened that I had never experienced before. It could have been an electric current from my hair or the fabric, but that is nothing compared to what I experienced when he touched me.

The power of that strike was so intense, it could've changed the whole town with the light. And at the same time, it wasn't painful at all, not like I’d stuck my finger in a socket. It was intense but pleasant, delightful.

To be honest, it was so good that I started to feel a need between my legs like I've never experienced before.

I've never had an orgasm in my life, but for some reason, I'm sure that the thing I experienced when Raphael touched me is very close to that.

"Thanks, sweetie. Would you like to join us?" the man to whom I brought the beer asks me with a cocky smile, and the whole company starts to nod in agreement, examining me from head to toe.

"No, thank you, I'm not allowed to," I say politely, not to offend them.

Jen informed me about people who come here are mostly low-budget tourists such as college students or truckers thirsty for intimacyafterstaying away from their wives for so long.

Jen warned me that some men might pester me, and she said she has a gun for that and asked me to tell her if the situation gets out of control. She said I could call the police if needed.

Jen tried to assure me that nothing would happen to me here, that all of those pervs are harmless, and even if they cross the line, I'd be safe, but the more I work here, the more I realize that it's not exactly true. I don't feel comfortable, much less safe.

"Don't be a prude," another man adds and tries to grab me by the hand, but I dodge away. "There's no one left here except for us. You don't have much work."

And I might be able to go home if you leave, too,I think but don’t dare to say aloud.

"Sorry," I mumble and rapidly walk away.

It's gonna be a long night...

Chapter Five


I almost get out of the car when that jerk tries to grab Katie by the hand.Almost.Because she easily dodges him, and that's why I force myself to stay out of it. At least for now.

Of course, sweet and innocent Katie doesn't know that I follow her, stalk her every move, craving her day and night and dreaming of sinking my teeth into her gentle snow-white neck to make her one of us, and then bury my cock deep inside her sweet pussy.

Since the moment she left my house, I've been following Katie everywhere she goes, simply because I couldn'tnot doit. I need her. More than I’ve needed anything in my entire life.

I thought Katie would stay at home for a couple of days since she has an injured arm, and only then would she try to find another job. But I was wrong. This girl woke up the following day and went for another interview. And of course, she got this job. Because who would want to work all night at the roadside pub near the motel?