Page 5 of Take Me Gently

She walks out of the bathroom quickly, quietly closing the door behind her.

When I raise my eyes to look at her, I hold my breath. She's gorgeous. Wearing nothing but my shirt and high heels, she's even hotter than she was in that tight dress.

I’ve never seen a woman wearing my clothes, and I couldn't even imagine it would be this attractive. The shirt is long enough to cover her ass, but her bare legs and those knees... They are fully exposed now. As if she just woke up after spending the night with me, and now she's ready to go back home.

Except that I don't spend nights with women. I have sex with them, and then we say goodbye to each other, never looking back.

"You walk out of this club, and you never come back again," I say with a steel voice and rise up from the couch, walking to the main door to see her off.

"And that's it? You'd just throw me out like that?" she says to my surprise, and her voice sounds slightly disappointed.

She's been pretty quiet all this time, but now she sounds offended. As if she was waiting for me to punish her somehow for everything that just happened.

And I could punish her, slowly and painfully. I would tie her to my bed and fuck her brains out until she's unable to take it anymore.

Only the devil knows how much pleasure it would give me.

But she didn't do anything to be punished for. It's not her fault that she's so gorgeously innocent, that men are fighting for her attention. She just wasn't ready for this.

"Give me your ID," I command, taking a step closer and standing against her.

I haven't come this close to her before, and it was a bad idea to do it now. Now I can smell her scent, the mix of her citrus shampoo, vanilla body cream, and vetiver note in her fragrance.

All of it mixed with the heat of her body makes my blood rush faster in my veins, and I clench my fists to calm down.

She swallows, inhaling deeply, her big green eyes with unbelievably long lashes blinking rapidly as she does her best not to look away.

"Why?" She tries to sound at ease as if she's not terrified.

My little lamb...

"I want to make sure that our security will never let you in again," I say, not looking away for a second.

She opens her mouth, maybe to protest, but mostly out of surprise, I guess. And then she silently leans over to her bag and pulls out her ID card.

When I take a look at the card, I see that she's twenty-two, which surprises me. This girl looks like she just finished high school. She's from Los Angeles, which was evident from the very first second I saw her.

But when I take a look at her name...

"Cindy Campbell?" I chuckle. I should have guessed that her ID is fake. "I'll have to fire the security department person who confirmed your invitation."

"No, please, don't..." she begins but stops right away, biting her lower lip, probably restricting herself from telling me more.

"What is it?" I ask, moving even closer, and she takes a step back.

"It's nothing," she lies, but I take one more step, so she pulls away from me again until her back is pressed to the wall.

There's nowhere to run anymore, lamb.

Chapter Three


"The invitation was fake," I mumble, barely audible, hoping he won't hear it.

I shouldn't confess. I could've just walked away, just like he asked me to, and pretend it never happened.

But I can't frame someone from the security department and get them fired because of me; that would be unfair.