Page 31 of Take Me Gently

"And what's changed?"

It takes a couple of moments before he can answer. "I don't know."

He shrugs, letting my face go and slightly pulling away. I feel like I could faint without his hand on my back.

"What do you want, Daniel?" I ask, shaking my head. "You were the one who told me not to come to the club, not to talk to you, not to expect anything in return. So what do you want? I honestly don't..."

"You," he interrupts, without letting me finish, and I freeze in place, already forgetting what I wanted to say. "I want you, Savannah. For some stupid, unexplained reason, you're the only one I want."

The words I've dreamt of hearing after that night, I’ve finally heard them.

So why do I feel so devastated?

"And what should I do? Come to the club again?" I ask after a pause.

"We can meet at my suite."

I chuckle and take a step back. "Are you serious? You're going to a party every night, fucking other women, tying them to the bed, beating them, or what else you do in those secret rooms. And then you'll meet me for a regular fuck because you're bored with BDSM?"

I yell so loudly that someone might hear me if they were walking past the room.

But I don't care about that anymore. All I care about now is this man in front of me and what I feel for him.

I’ve already fallen in love with Daniel Vanderbilt. I know that. I feel it with my heart. But the man I love simply got tired of his sex games and wants to try something new.

But I'm not a booty call. I have feelings. And when he let me go and didn't call, it broke my heart. I survived, but who knows what could happen if he does it again?

"I haven't slept with other women since that night," he says, quieter than I was. "I don't beat women. Never say that." He takes me by the shoulders. "I don't know why it's happening to me, but I can't stop thinking about you."

"And what will we do? Hide in your penthouse until I go to college? Or meet for regular fucks when I come home from MIT?" I push his hands away, taking another step back so he can't reach me.

He doesn't say anything. Because he didn't think this far. He only wants to fuck me once again, or maybe a couple of times, until he gets enough. He doesn't care about my feelings.

Because his heart is cold as ice,I remind myself.

"I don't want that, Daniel," I continue more quietly, shaking my head. "I don't want to dig any deeper. I don't want you to sleep with me and then throw me out like one of those girls at your club."

I take my bag in my hand and look at him once again. "I don't want to get hurt when you get tired of me," I whisper before turning away and silently walking out the door.

Chapter Fourteen


Two months later


"I'm gonna miss you so much!" Mom says, hugging me for the thousandth time before she and my dad leave the room.

We're at MIT's student campus, trying to fit in all of the stuff I brought from home. This room is tiny, and I'm going to be sharing it with another girl, a roommate I haven't seen yet. Hope she's not too noisy. I'm an introvert. I love sitting alone on my bed with a book. I don't need music blaring at two in the morning.

Who am I trying to fool? If this girl is studying computer science, she’s probably just as quiet and unsocial as I am. Everything's going to be okay.

I’ve told myself that a thousand times, trying to believe it, but it still feels weird to move away from home.

I know most people dream about the day they move out of their parents’ house to start leading their new, adult lives. But I'm obviously not one of them. I'm gonna miss my family so much.

Oh, gosh, I think I already miss my life in LA! I even miss the "Dirty Elite," no matter how much I hated my school from time to time.