Page 14 of The Christmas Thief

"Mr. Masterson's task for me was to raise the price of the product," Nicolas begins, placing the documents that had previously been on his lap on the table.

When I see how nervous he is, I feel compassion for him. This guy is obviously fresh out of college and was unlucky enough to get stuck with these sharks.

"We re-branded the original packaging from recycled paper and made a new one." He opens the folder and pulls out a picture.

It's entirely new packaging—snow-white paper, a gold bow for decoration, with a photo of a girl on it.

I saw this girl when Sky showed me her TikTok. I know she has an army of followers.

"This is what makes money these days, Harden," Masterson interrupts. "I might be older than you, but I do know that beautiful packaging and a cute face can bring me money."

He starts laughing, punching Nicolas’s shoulder jovially.

Nic smiles awkwardly, as if realizing how ridiculous the situation is: we haven't discussed anything yet, and this man is acting like he just won a lottery.

As if he knows nothing about making money. He knows only how to collect it.

"Let's hear another opinion, Tom," Jack says, steel-voiced without a hint of a smile on his face.

I see how Masterson's facial expression changes in a second from satisfied to disturbed.

"The opinion that I, theownerof the company, selected from thousands of options, not just something someone came up with on the fly," Jack continues, fixing Masterson with that stern look that gives me goose bumps each time I see it, even if it's not directed towards me.

I know for sure that Jack's father worked with Masterson for many years before. I believed they were friends, but according to what I see, Jack doesn't like Tom. In fact, I think he hates him.

Chapter Eight


For a moment, we all stay silent. Jack keeps staring at Masterson without even blinking, and it feels like forever before Masterson speaks.

"All righty, let the best man win.” He tries to smile, but it's evident that he doesn't want to, and then adds sarcastically, "I enjoy watching cockfights."

Oh, no. That means it's my turn to speak as I’m the one who came up with the strategy Jack is talking about.

"The marketing strategy was Crystal's idea from the beginning," Jack says, looking at me, although he's talking to Tom. "That's why I want her to present it to us."

I hold my breath: it's time. It's my moment to prove to them how wrong they are about me. I am capable of fighting and winning.

All of them turn to face me, and my heart stops.

I look at Jack, and I know my face expresses terror, but he nods slightly as if telling me not to worry.

I can do this.

AndI will.

"The new line includes five products for women’s skincare," I start, and I can feel that my voice is slightly shaking. "They're all made from organic materials with extract of jojoba, calendula…"

"I don't want to hear this. I'm not a chemist," Tom Masterson interrupts me again and rolls his eyes, looking at Jack as if he's already bored. "Tell me how much money we’ll make, Christine, and then…"

"It's Crystal, Tom, and she hasn't finished yet," Jack barks, so loudly that I startle.

For a couple of seconds he simply stares at Masterson with a look I haven't seen before, one that can scare the hell out of everyone. As if he’ll hit him if he won't shut up. I can see that he's barely holding himself back from starting a fight with his investor.

"Continue." Jack turns to me again without waiting for Tom's response.

Tom Masterson instantly changes his facial expression from pretend-bored to fake-interested and silently turns to face me again.