His eyes widened. “You’re about to be my dad?!” he asked, his excitement unable to be contained.

I ruffled his hair as we walked through the door. “Yep. I’m about to be your dad, kiddo.”

I glanced over at Tawney to see tears in her eyes. She waved me off. “I need to get ready.” She drew in a deep breath. “Are you okay with me wearing the dress I married Eric in?”

I tenderly grabbed her face in my hands and pressed my lips to hers. “Baby girl, I’d be honored to have you share that with me,” I told her honestly. I brushed my nose with hers. “I’ll get Alex ready.”

Drawing in a deep breath, she rushed off to the bedroom.

* * *

If I’d thoughtTawney was fucking stunning the evening of our sunset cruise, seeing her in a wedding dress was out of this fucking world. I literally had no words for how she looked. She was wearing the dress she’d married Alex’s father in, and she looked fucking stunning.

It was see-through white lace with flowers stitched into the lace of the dress. It molded to her curves, and the sleeves were set off her shoulders, leaving them bare. A slit went up to her hip, revealing her smooth, thick thighs, which was killing my concentration.

Colwyn had shown up to be my best man, and my mom and dad had shown up as well. Tawney’s dad had made the drive from Savannah, too, and Amber had taken the day off from the gym to be Tawney’s maid of honor.

And Alex was our ring bearer.

After changing clothes, I had grabbed Alex and rushed off to the store. He helped me pick out rings for the ceremony, and we got back just in time to pick up his stunning mother so we could get to the chapel in time.

I barely heard the minister as he spoke. It was sheer luck that I managed to speak and repeat what I was supposed to. But when he told me I could kiss my bride, I didn’t even hesitate. I heard that part clearly.

I gathered my wife into my arms, leaned her back, and covered her lips with mine.

This woman was officially all mine—Mrs. Tawney Kennedy.

Life didn’t get any better than this.




Marrying Slater as fast as I had was one of the best decisions of my life. He managed to get time off work for the entire next week, and Dad took over my shop for that week as well so Slater could whisk me off on our honeymoon. And the best part? He hadn’t excluded our son.

Our son.

God, it sounded so amazing.

As soon as we’d gotten married, I’d given him permission to adopt Alex, and he had. But he’d had Alex keep his last name. He didn’t want to rip apart any connection he had to Eric, and I’d bawled in the courtroom when I’d found out about it.

Slater turned out to be an amazing husband and an even better father. I seriously couldn’t be happier.

But staring down at the white stick in my hand, I knew I could . . . if I didn’t feel so nauseated and scared.

Last time I’d stared down at one of these sticks with positive lines, Eric and I had been ecstatic. Three months after I found out, he found out he was leaving for deployment in a few months’ time.

So, fear was understandably wrecking my happiness. Even though I knew Slater wouldn’t leave me, I was still scared.

Because I couldn’t lose another husband. I couldn’t lose Slater. I wasn’t sure if I’d survive it this time around.

“Baby girl, you look like you’ve seen a ghost,” Slater gently said as he stepped into the bathroom. He quietly shut the door behind him and turned me to face him. The hand holding the pregnancy test shook. “Talk to me.”

I held the test up to him. He looked down at it and then looked back up at me. “Ah, fuck, baby girl.” He took the test from me, set it on the counter, and then dragged me into his arms. “It’s okay. I’m not leaving you.”

My lips trembled. “I’m being stupid—”