She laughed. “Yes, Alex, we can.”

He released a loudwhoopwith a fist pump into the air and climbed into the backseat. I closed his door and drew his beautiful mom into my arms, leaning down to softly kiss her.

“You raised an amazing little boy.”

She blinked back tears. “You make him so happy,” she whispered. “Thank you for taking on the role of his dad.”

I grabbed her hand and pressed my lips to her palm before looking back at her, letting our eyes meet. “I promise to love him just as I would love any child of my own.”

She sobbed and wrapped her arms around me. I squeezed her to me as well and buried my face in her sweet-smelling hair.

“Guys, comeon!” Alex groaned. “I’m hungry!”

I laughed quietly. “Was his dad this demanding?” I asked her.

She giggled and swiped at her cheeks. “All the time. And of course, it would be the trait that Alex got from him.”

I laughed softly, pecked her lips once more, and then opened the passenger door for her so she could get in.



My breath caught in my throat at the sight of Tawney as she emerged from the back door. I swallowed past the sudden lump in my throat, my palms beginning to sweat.

She was . . . stunning. Beautiful. Gorgeous. There weren’t enough words in the English dictionary to describe how fucking amazing she looked.

Her dress was dark green and long-sleeved, hugging her body in all the right places. The top part of her dress was see-through until the embellished sequins began, making her shimmer in the evening light.

I was half tempted to say fuck this dinner cruise reservation, take her back inside, and destroy that dress so I could get inside of her.

She tucked her long, dark hair behind her ear. It was done in soft waves, flowing down her back, and pinned on the right side. Her face was almost bare of any make-up, allowing her natural beauty to shine through. I was pretty sure the only thing she’d done was apply a shimmery eye shadow to match her dress and swipe her lashes with mascara.

“You look . . . fucking breathtaking,” I breathed, holding out my hand to her so I could help her down the steps.

“Thank you,” she whispered. She ran her eyes over me, taking in my black slacks and simple black button-down. “You don’t look too bad yourself.”

I just grinned at her before leaning down to peck her lips, thankful she wasn’t wearing lipstick I had to worry about messing up. Because if she had been, by the time we got to the cruise, her lipstick would have been ruined. I was going to have a hard as hell time keeping my lips and my hands to myself on the way there.

“Are you still up for walking there?” I asked her.

She nodded, lacing her fingers through mine when I grabbed her hand. I glanced down at her feet, wondering why she was still the same height as she always was once she was on the ground with me. “No heels?”

She laughed and shook her head. “The day you catch me in heels, please question my sanity.”

I huskily laughed and leaned down to kiss her thoroughly this time, winding my arms around her waist, drinking in the pure sweetness of her tantalizing mouth.

“Thank God I didn’t wear lipstick,” she whispered once we parted.

A crooked grin pulled at my lips. “I’m glad you didn’t either,” I confessed. “Otherwise, I’d be ruining it, and I wouldn’t even be ashamed of myself.”

Her giggle warmed my soul.

* * *

The soft lightfrom the setting sun cast a beautiful glow over my fiancée. I couldn’t take my eyes off of her.

“Do I look okay?” she suddenly asked me.