It’s me and krasotka and an entire week of doing nothing but having sex, splashing in the aquamarine waters and lazing in the sun. This is my idea of paradise on earth.
I kiss her forehead and gently pull out of her, shifting her slightly so I can watch my seed leak from between her shapely legs. While we’re not actively trying to get pregnant, we’re not, not trying to get pregnant either. We’re both open to whatever comes next. I admit, the idea of breeding Georgia makes me deliriously happy, and I’m pretty sure my beautiful bride knows that.
Georgia raises her head from my chest, and I tuck a strand of her wild, dark hair behind her ear. I don’t think I’ll ever get enough of looking at her. Especially when she’s like this, untamed and sun-kissed, after days spent basking in the equatorial sun.
“I wish I brought paint,” she says softly. “The sunsets are amazing.” She gazes out towards the horizon. “I don’t think I’ll ever see anything quite like it.”
“Hmmm, aren’t you lucky you have such a thoughtful husband?” Husband. I’ll never get sick of hearing that word.
Her face lights up with pleasure. “You didn’t? You brought my paints.”
I nod. “And canvases, and brushes, and everything else you’ll need.” I kiss her gently on the mouth. “I like to see you happy. And you’re happiest when you’re painting. Only second to when I’m inside of you.”
“Mmmm,” she agrees, releasing a deep sound of satisfaction. “You know me well.” She traces the lines of the tattoos on my chest and closes her eyes, a blissed out expression on her face.
“What are you thinking about?”
“How freakin’ happy I am. Here with you.” She grins, her eyes still closed. “Is it wrong that I'm also thinking about how excited I am to start school soon? Lame, I know.”
“Nothing lame about that.” My fingertips skim along her arm, teasing goosebumps to erupt over her flesh. “You’re going to be an amazing teacher.”
Georgia is going back to college. After protracted negotiations, we finally worked out a plan that allows Georgia the freedom to go back to school and pursue her dream of painting, with the hopes of one day becoming an art teacher. The catch is that one of my men will go to school with her, posing as just another student in her class, all in the name of keeping her safe. She fought me on the idea, but I recruited her father to help plead my case. She finally saw the light and agreed to the plan. I don’t know how I’ll handle it when she’s a teacher in a classroom full of kids, but one step at a time.
Maurice has become a fixture at our home, joining us for weekly Sunday night dinners. In turn, we’re regular guests at the restaurant. Kira picks up a shift or two every week, not because she has to—she’s plenty busy learning the family business—but the normalcy has been good for her. As has spending time getting to know me and my brothers.
I smile to myself, releasing a contented breath.
“You sound happy.” Georgia touches my face, skimming my scruffy jaw with her finger. Emotion circles my heart, flooding my center with warmth, with love.
“I am happy, krasotka. The happiest I’ve been in my life.” I kiss her deeply and pull her in close so she’s flat against my chest. “There’s perhaps only one more thing in this world which could make me happier.”
She props her head up on her hand. “And what’s that?”
“Hopefully, you’ll find out in nine months.”
She smiles, her eyes turning molten. “Maybe we will.”
With that, I flip her onto her back and do my darnedest to make us both really, really happy.
* * *