Page 4 of The Greatest Gift

“That’s right. I was speaking with your mom earlier. Her and I both agree that you should go on that trip, regardless. It will give you a chance to get over everything that has gone on, perhaps even give you a new outlook on things. Call it a self-discovery trip."

I looked at her. She was being ridiculous. "Yeah, okay, let me get this straight. I’m to go on my honeymoon by myself to get over my fiancé dumping me eight weeks before our wedding? That doesn't exactly shout fun," I said, rolling my eyes. I picked up the confirmation email I had printed and searched it to find the number I needed to call and cancel.

I'd just found it when the front door opened, and I heard my mother call out a hello. I looked at Laura and gritted my teeth, not really in the mood to be ambushed by either of them. “Hey, Mom. We're in here," I called out.

Mom came around the corner, a huge smile on her face. "Okay, girls, tell me what I can do to help?" she asked, throwing her coat and purse over the arm of the couch.

"You can convince your daughter to go on that trip, while I continue to call and let guests know they cancelled the wedding," Laura said, looking proud of herself.

Mom looked at me with disappointment written all over her face. Then she sat down and crossed her arms. I could tell from her body language that I was about to get a lecture. "Tess, you paid for that trip. You should at least go. I know how excited you were to go see Paris. Besides, it will do you good to get out of here for a while and away from all of this."

I shrugged and looked at Laura. "You two don't get it. I don't want to go. This should have been my honeymoon. How much fun do you think I am going to have? First, I'll be alone, and second, it's only going to be a reminder of what would have been."

Mom and Laura looked at one another, suddenly smiling as if they had an idea.

"What?" I asked, crossing my arms and rolling my eyes.

"So don't go alone. Take one of your friends. What about Laura?" Mom asked.

"Oh, no, I can't go. I'm heading out to Denver for Christmas. Going to visit my parents," Laura said, putting the phone down on the table.

"Okay, so we need to find someone to go with you. Your father and I cannot go. We have plans already—Hawaii.” Mom brought her finger up to her lips and squinted her eyes as she tried to think of someone. Suddenly, her eyes lit up. “What about one of your single, platonic male friends?"

I put my head in my hands and shook it before running my fingers through my hair. "Mom, I don't have single male friends."

"There has to be someone, Tess."

"Like who?" I frowned.

"Teddy, or perhaps the firefighter, oh what's his name? You know the one with those stunning blue eyes?” Mom said, once again bringing her finger to her lips as she struggled to come up with his name.

"Maddox?" I questioned.

"Yes, that’s it, Maddox! He has always adored you. You should ask him," Mom said, Laura nodding in agreement.

“You actually just missed him." Laura smiled.

"Oh, that is too bad. I've always liked him, such a sweet man, and a good looking one too."

I buried my face in my hands. I couldn't believe that, as I stood here, my mother and Laura were plotting to fix me up with someone so I could go on this trip. I rolled my eyes. "Mom, Maddox isn't even my friend. He is Derrick's."

"Now I know for a fact that isn't true. Maddox adores spending time with you," Laura interjected. "Did you see the way he hugged you earlier? And he is single."

I gritted my teeth and looked toward Laura, willing her with my eyes to stop. "Don't you have a list of people in front of you to call?" I interjected.

"Right, phone calls." She giggled as she picked up the phone and began dialling.

Mom turned to me. "Oh, Tess, don't be so stubborn. I agree. I think you need to go on that trip, but I don't want my daughter travelling halfway across the country alone. Plus, everyone else has plans, and if Maddox is single...and willing to go...then I don’t see any reason why you shouldn’t ask him."

I picked up the other half of the guest list and shoved it at my mother without answering her. "I'll go make us some coffee. I am sure it is going to be a late night," I said, leaving the room and heading out to kitchen.

"Just ask him?" she yelled out as I left the room.

"Mother, please, I am not asking Maddox!" I shouted over my shoulder.

"I'm just saying..." She smiled and lifted her eyebrows in gest. "He's a good-looking guy who would probably love to accompany you to Paris. Just ask him."

I shook my head in disbelief that my own mother would even suggest such a thing. I could hear them giggle from the kitchen, and I shook my head as their suggestion ran through my mind. "Ridiculously crazy," I muttered to myself as I made the coffee for everyone. There was no way I was asking anyone to go on that trip with me, if I were to go at all.