"Jessica." I smiled back, shaking her hand.

"I've never seen you around here before. You must be new."

"I am. I just signed on with an agent today." I knew her from somewhere. I just couldn't place her.

"That's fantastic. Any big contracts on the horizon yet? I just signed on with Victoria’s Secret."

As soon as she said that, I immediately knew who she was. I swallowed hard, trying not to seem too anxious. "You're Kate Green aren't you?"

"Yes." She smiled, setting her glass down on the table beside us. "So who have you signed with?"

"Kendrick Hayward. He just had to step away to discuss signing me with Calvin Klein."

I noticed Kate followed my line of sight as I nodded toward where Kendrick stood.

"He's an attractive man, isn't he?" I followed her gaze and saw she was looking in Kendrick's direction.


"Somewhat impressive at first."

"Yes, very." I smiled.

When I looked back to her, she nodded at me and somewhat smiled. "I don't want to burst your bubble because that really isn't my style, but be careful with Kendrick. He isn't what he seems."

I was about to ask her what she meant by that when we were interrupted by the gentlemen who had been with her earlier. "Dear, we need to get going," he whispered, putting his hand on her lower back. "Early-morning meetings tomorrow."

"Okay, love," she said, placing her hand on his back and leaning in to kiss him on the cheek. She said nothing as they stepped away, leaving me wondering what she had meant. I continued to watch as the man pulled her off into the crowd, but she stopped. She came back through the crowd and shoved a card into my hand. "If you need anything, call."

She was gone before I couldlook down at the card. Simple words: Kate Green, and a phone number below her name. I shoved the card into my purse just in time for Kendrick to come over to me. I could smell the scotch on his breath as he leaned in and kissed my cheek, slurring in my ear we needed to get going.

Ten minutes later, we left the party and were racing off into the city back to Kendrick's apartment.

Chapter 5

Ben – 8 months later

I packed the last of my tools into the back of my truck and looked up to the finished house. I was so glad that we had finally finished the old rundown house. Driving down that dirt road every day was like driving a screwdriver into my chest. It held one too many bittersweet memories for me. Memories of the night I had given her the ring and we lay and talked about our dreams. I waved to two of the guys who were just pulling out and backed down the driveway. This was another chapter I could close on the doors of Jessica.

It had been eight long, grueling months since Jessica had left. Eight months without so much as a single word to me. I had heard through the grapevine that her parents had finally heard from her and that they knew where she was. No matter how much time had passed, I still blamed myself for her leaving. I had replayed the night she broke up with me in my head a thousand times or more during those eight months. It always came down to wondering if I had been more supportive or more open to listening, she might still be here by my side. I carried that guilt on my shoulders every single day, but it didn't matter anymore. She was gone, and I doubted she would be back.

I stopped and picked up dinner at the little diner in town. I was starving and thought about eating in my car but decided it would be best to head home and relax. I had just pulled away from the curb when my cell phone rang on the seat beside me. I pulled off to the side of the road and answered.

"Ben," my dad's voice came over the speaker, "you got a few minutes, son?"

"Sure thing, Dad. What's up?"

"Are you able to come to the office before you head home?"

I glanced at my watch and at my now rapidly cooling dinner. "Sure thing, Dad."

Twenty minutes later, I walked into my Dad's office. I smiled as I saw him sitting behind his computer, his glasses down on the ridge of his nose and a pile of bills in front of him. "Hey, Pop," I called, grabbing a bottle of water from the little fridge in the corner of his office.

"Hey, take a seat, would you."

I sat down across from my dad and cracked the bottle of water, drinking down the cool liquid. Anything to quell the pangs of hunger.

"One of the guys mentionedthatyou are looking to get out of here. Is that true?"