"Kendrick and his secret life. Did you know that he had a second residence? One that I didn't even know about over in Malibu Beach. Hunter Malone and I drove out to that residence after the meeting to look at it."

"What was the place like?"

I knew Kate had been dying to get a place out in that area. I was quiet for a moment, trying hard to decide how to tell her the news.

"Well, the house itself was gorgeous." I paused, determining that just blurting out what I had to tell her was for the best. "Before I came back I got in touch with a listing agent and am listing both the house and the condo."

"I don't know what to say, Jess."

"How about those four little words that everyone dies to say when they were right: I told you so." I laughed to myself.

"Jess, I would never say that."

"Why not? It's the truth. You warned me a long time ago, and I should have listened." I shrugged.

We both sat there looking at one another until Kate averted her eyes.

"So, now that Kendrick is gone and you are now unbelievably wealthy, what are you going to do? Are you going to stay here?"

"No. Honestly, I don't know what I will do. I thought about going back to LA and grabbing a place out by the coast. Staying here really isn't an option."

"What? Why not? This is a beautiful place. That contractor is a cutie."

I blew out a breath. "Don't talk to me about Ben, Kate," I bit out.

"What? Why not? I am not saying anything that isn't true."

"He may be cute, but our history is just that."

"Did something happen between you two? You have been hanging out a lot."

I looked to Kate and shook my head. "Last night, things got a little out of hand. We slept together."

"So what? Did you have a good time?"

I could feel the blush rising over my cheeks. "I had a good time until this morning."

"Why, what happened this morning?"

"I found the ring he gave me when we were younger tied to a string inside of his pocket."

"So, let me get this straight. You inherit this place and end up hiring your ex to do renovations because you are planning to fix it up and sell it.The next thing you know, Kendrick is dead, and you inherit everything, want to sell the properties in LA, and dissolve his business. You end spending a shit ton of time with your ex afterward, accidentally or not fall into bed with him, and get pissed off when you find he still carries the ring in his pocket that he proposed to you with. Now you are going to leave because of that." Kate looked at me, one eyebrow raised.

"Oh, I'm not leaving here because of Ben, Kate." I took a sip of my coffee and set the mug on the table in front of us.

"Sure you are. I don't understand what you're so afraid of. I mean, the man is still carrying a ring he gave you years ago pinned inside of his pocket. I think it's sweet that he's still hung up on you. Obviously, he still cares for you," she said, taking the last mouthful of coffee.

I thought for a moment before answering her. The answer wasn't as simple as she thought. I was afraid of many things, so I came up with the cop out answer. "It's crazy, Kate. He's been pining over me all these years. As for being afraid, I don't know the answer to that."

"Sure you do. Do you have feelings for him?"

"No," I quickly bit out.

Kate looked at me with disbelief in her eyes. "Either you're afraid to be with him or you're afraid of losing him. Which is it?"

"Kate, I didn't come here to find Ben. He never was and still isn't part of my plan."

"Let me ask you when you moved to LA and met Kendrick, was marrying him ever part of your plan?"