"I'm who? What are you talking about?" I wasn't used to being recognized anymore, since I hadn't really modelled for a few years.

"The other day after I helped you with your groceries, I was talking to my boyfriend, Zach. I said you looked like Jessica Hayward. I used to follow you when you first started, and then you just fizzled out, but it is for sure you. Zach assured me there was no way that it was you, but here it is in black and white," she said, throwing the tabloid down on the table to show me the picture of Kate and me from the restaurant the other night.

I scanned the image and then looked to the headline. 'Could it be: Kendrick and Jessica, Over?' The contents of my stomach threatened to rise. Kendrick always read this piece of shit rag to make surehis name wasn't in it. He always said it was the worst place he could be, that it would be a career killer for him. If he saw this, which I was sure he would, he would know where I was.

Kate's phone rang again, and once again she shut the screen off to hide whoever was calling. I tore my eyes from the article and glanced over at her. She shook her head at me. I knew immediately that it was Kendrick. "Just answer it," I mumbled. "I already know it's Kendrick."

I glanced back over at Sara, who still stood at the edge of the table. "I was wondering, would I be able to get your autograph?" she asked, holding out a pen for me to sign. I had no clue why she was still standing here bothering me. Kate was way more famous than me. Regardless, I took her pen and scribbled my signature below my picture.

"Thank you so much. Have a marvellous day! I'll see you around. We will be the best of friends," she said, taking the magazine and heading out the door.

I turned to Kate. "How many times has he called you?" I asked, no longer interested in the cup of coffee that sat in front of me.

"He's been calling upwards of ten times a day since Monday."

"When did this article come out?" I questioned as my stomach turned. Kate handed me the magazine, checking the date on the front. It had come out Monday, the day after Kendrick would have arrived home. I was about to say something when Kate's phone rang out again. This time she picked up the phone and answered the call.

"Hello, Kate Green," she said, doing her best to disguise her voice.

"Kate, it’s Kendrick," I heard his raised voice bark over the phone.

"Good morning, Kendrick. How are you?" Kate's eyes met mine, and I could tell she was trying her best to be friendly.

"Have you seen Jessica?"

I sat there shaking my head, begging her not to tell himI was sitting here with her.

"Make something up," I mouthed, praying that perhaps he hadn't seen the magazine and that he was legitimately worried about me.

"No, I'm in New York, Kendrick, doing a spread for a magazine."

The line went quiet for a second. Then I heard him clear his throat. "You don'thave any idea where she might be?"

I could just barely hear Kendrick's voice on the other end of the phone and could already hear the irritation and annoyance in his voice.

"Goodness no. I've been here for the last couple of weeks. Come to think of it, I haven't even spoken to her. Is everything all right?"

Kate was doing her best to cover for me, that much was apparent, but Kendrick was smart. If he had seen the article,I knew that if he wasn't already here, he would be on the next plane in a matter of minutes.

"Don't lie to me. I saw the picture in ‘The Contributor’ and in ‘Rumor Has It.’ I know she is with you, and it is ten in the morning on a Wednesday. I know she doesn't think I know that you both meet every Wednesday, but I do. That petty bitch will ruin my career!"

Kate shook her head at me and mouthed the words “he knows” at me. Kate put the phone onto speaker and lay the phone in the middle of the table so I could hear the rest of the conversation.

"Why don't you tell Jessica to look out the window and across the street for me," Kendrick bit out.

I looked up at Kate, meeting her eyes, and then we both turned and looked out the window at the same time. Immediately I spotted the same man with the camera across the street, the flash going off instantly.

Immediately Kate ended the call with Kendrick and looked at me. "Not only was the article in ‘Rumor Has It,’ but they also printed it in ‘The Contributor.’”

I felt sick to my stomach. "I've got to go," I said, reaching for my jacket and bag. "He probably sent that guy here."

"What? No way. He's just being a bully. Come on, Jess," Kate cried.

"No, no, he isn't. I can guarantee you he is coming here. I know it. Besides, I can't be late. Ben is on his way to the apartment. I am supposed to approve of the final paint colors so he can grab what he needs." I kissed her on the cheek.

"At least let me drive you home," Kate said, grabbing her stuff and running after me.

* * *