Glenn was one of my very first hires for this part of the company, and I couldn't be more grateful for him. We had worked so closely together over the last five years that we had formed a quick and solid friendship.

"Fucking Jules. She needs to learn how to keep her mouth shut," I mumbled.

"Ben, what the hell is going on? You're never like this."

I shrugged and took a drink of the ice cold beer that was just set downin front of me. I didn't want to talk about work or Jules or Jess. I just wanted to unwind with a close friend.

"It's nothing, man. Guess stress is just getting me."

"That's why you shouldhave taken that vacation. I could have handled everything you needed."

Glenn should have talked to Jules, who apparently didn't see that. I shrugged. "I know, but it’s not my style, you know."

"I know."

"So this job at 425 Madison. You seem possessive over it. Anything I need to know?"

"Nope, you know all you need to know about that. It's just a quick job is all."

Glenn looked at me with suspicion. "Ben, you've given us two weeks to get the entire job done. A job that normally would take a minimum of six to eight weeks. I'm surprised you could get everything ordered in time."

"I pulled a few strings. She wanted a quick turnaround. What was I supposed to do?"

Glenn grabbed a handful of nuts from the dish in the center of the table and washed them down with his beer. "Normally, you would tell the person it takes time. I mean you pulled my crew off another job to get this one done. That will end up meaning my guys will have to work double time on the other job to get that one completed. Please don't think I'm complaining, but—"

"Good, then stop complaining. It needs to get done, that's it. As for the other job, it's my problem. I will deal with the clients."

Glenn shrugged and turned his attention to the Titan game thatwas on the screen over the bar. I wanted to tell Glenn all about Jess, all about what had happened, and all about how I was feeling. Instead, I was my normal grumpy self for the rest of the night. I mean what guy goes on and on whining about the woman who got away.

Chapter 12


I was meeting Kate at Bonne Chatte for our usual coffee date. It was Wednesday morning, and we had agreed that we wouldn't let our new location mess our tradition up. I approached the building, swung my purse over my shoulder, and walked over to the table where she sat.

"Morning, pumpkin," she sang as she closed her favorite weekly gossip mag, “Rumor Has It,” and smiled.

"I can't believe you can get that rag all the way out here." I laughed, sitting down across from her, reaching for the filth she was reading, but she stopped me by reachingout and gripping the magazine. I smiled, tugging harder, but she ripped the magazine from my hand and shoved it into her purse.

"No, you don't! I didn't come to meet you to watch you read that garbage. Now why don't you tell me all about this handsome contractor. Did you hire him? Was he there yesterday walking around shirtless?" she said with a smile.

I frowned. "Kate, what are you hiding? Why won't you let me flip through that magazine while we have coffee?"

"Because I want to hear all about Ben. Don't make me come and scope him out," she said, flashing her fake smile, still shoving the magazine deeper into her purse.

"You don't want to hear about Ben, and I know you won't come and scope him out." I smiled. "Plus, I've seen that smile on your face before. What are you hiding?" I said, nodding towards her bag.

Kate pulled her hand from inside the bag after finally shoving the magazine all the way into her purse and had placed her hands under her chin, trying to look innocent just in time for her cell phone to ring. I watched as her eyes flashed to the screen, then back to me. A funny look came over her face. She immediately shut the screen off, ignoring the ringing phone, and gave me an unsure smile.

"Aren't you going to answer that?" I nodded at the ringing phone.

"No, it’s nothing important. Probably just a solicitor."

"It could be your agent."

"Nope, it’s nothing. Now spill it."

I was just about to interrogate her when the girl who helped me the other day with my groceries, Sara, spotted us and approached our table. "I knew I knew you. I was second-guessing myself, but you are her," she said, holding up the same magazine Kate had tried so hard to hide.