"Same could be said for you, you know," Carter bit out, seemingly agitated with me.

Trinity approached our table and was halfway through taking our orders when my phone rang. I glanced down and saw Sophie's number sitting on the screen. "And for you, Chase?" she asked, pulling my attention away.

"A pound of hot wings please, Trin," I murmured as my attention quickly focused back on Sophie's number.

"Only a pound?" Carter asked, dumbfounded. "Normally, you're good for at least two."

"Yeah, watching my waistline." I ran my hand over my eight-pack and glanced once again at my phone that was still ringing. "Excuse me, guys, I have to take this," I said, ignoring the murmurs from my brothers. I got up from my seat and headed out the front door.

"Hello," I said as I pushed the door to Ducky's open and stepped outside into the parking lot, avoiding the group of people heading inside.

"Chase. Sorry to bother you. I know you're probably with your brothers, but my day got kind of crazy after I had called you this morning."

"Hey, yeah it's our usual night out, but it’s no bother, Sophie. Sorry I wasn’t able to talk earlier. I was in court. I'm glad you called me back. You seemed off in your message. What's up? What's going on?"

Sophie was quiet for a few moments before she cleared her throat. "Do you think you could meet me for dinner tomorrow night? I have something I want to run by you?"

"Is everything okay? It's nothing serious is it?" I could tell from the slight tremor in her voice that whatever she wanted to speak to me about, it was important.

"No, it’s nothing bad. I just want to talk to you about something," she assured me.

"Sure, just name the time and place and I will be there." I opened my calendar on my phone to check and make sure I was free.

"The Manor House, tomorrow night at, say, seven."

The Manor House was one of Kings Cove's higher-end steak houses, which made me wonder if everything was indeed okay. "Are you sure everything is okay?" I questioned, wanting to make sure before I got off the phone with her.

"Yeah, I promise you everything is okay. We will talk tomorrow night. I have to run and finish up a meeting with one of my clients. I'll see you tomorrow at seven."

I could still hear the shake in her voice, but before I had the chance to ask her in a different way if everything was okay, the phone had gone dead. I looked down at my cell phone, wondering what could possibly be so important that she just couldn't tell me over the phone, but a few seconds later, I had shrugged it off and headed back inside. I was quiet as I walked back to our table. Once there, I slid into the booth, checked my watch again, and pocketed my cell phone.

"Was that your hot date for tonight?" Hunter questioned, nodding towards my phone.

"Something like that," I answered, still rather distracted and bothered. "It was Sophie. She wants to meet for dinner tomorrow night. She says she has something she wants to talk to me about. I can't recall a time that she didn't just come out and tell me what was up."

"Oh,the Sophie?" Bryce asked.

"Not the unattainable Sophie?" Carter joined in, smirking at Hunter.

I rolled my eyes and took another pull on my beer, doing my best to ignore his comment, and glanced at Hunter who sat there smirking at me. My brothers had always bugged me about Sophie, especially when we had been younger and she had turned me down. Although, unlike those times, this time I didn't laugh or answer any of their questions. When Hunter noticed, he looked at them both and cleared his throat just like our father used to when he wanted us to stop bugging one another.

"What time are you supposed to be meeting her?" he questioned.

"Tomorrow night at seven at The Manor House."

"The Manor House?"

"That is what she said."

"Must be something special. That place isn't cheap." Carter said, "I took Hope there not too long ago. Three hundred and fifty dollars later..."

"Yeah, Autumn's been bugging me to take her there since Hope told her about it. My wallet isn't looking forward to that bill." Hunter and Carter both laughed.

"Well, if you care about me, tell Autumn and Hope not to mention it to Mia." All three of my brothers laughed.

My phone vibrated in my pocket as Carter and Hunter went on discussing dinner prices. I looked down at my phone to see a message from Sophie and glanced at my watch. I feverishly typed out a response to her. I put my phone down and immediately it vibrated, causing me to pick it up again.

"What is it now?" Bryce questioned, as I continued to type out my third response.