The door to the cafe opened, grabbing Jenna's attention, her eyes lighting up at whatever idea she had now.

"What?" I asked, taking a bite of the still-warm blueberry muffin that I'd been craving all week. Jenna's eyes were still trained on whoever had walked through the door and was at the counter. I turned just in time to see the sexy Chase Malone leaning against the counter ordering his morning coffee, and I looked back towards Jenna, seeing a silly grin on her face.

"Why not?" She shrugged, her eyes lighting up like a Christmas tree.

"Why not what?"

"Why not Chase?"

"Why not Chase what?" I could feel my heart start to beat faster at what I hoped she wasn't trying to suggest.

"O.M.G! Pull your head out of the sand. He is as single as they come, and he is not looking to settle down anytime soon. He's hot, sexy, smart… Borrow some of his best swimmers and be done with it."

I almost spit my coffee all over Jenna at her suggestion. "Oh my God, no!" I said, balling my napkin up and throwing it at her.

"What is wrong with that idea?? What girl on the face of this earth wouldn't want a night, or hell better yet, a few nights with Chase Malone. Seriously, out of all the guys, he'd be your best bet. I've heard he is dynamite in the sack."

I looked up towards the counter and saw Chase give us an innocent wave.

"Seriously, Sophie, come on, just do it."

"Seriously, Jenna, just shut up already! He's my best friend," I gritted out in embarrassment just in time for Chase to slide into the booth beside me.

"Good morning, ladies," he greeted, reaching across the table for the sugar. "What are you beauties up to on this beautiful day?"

"Trying to help Sophie solve her relationship crisis."

"Oh my God, shut up!" I said, burying my face in my hands.

Chase looked at me, smiling. "Oh, Soph, you are too cute. You think you have a relationship problem?"

I looked to Jenna for help, since she was the one who’d started this whole conversation. "Go ahead, Sophie, share with Chase." She grinned.

I shrugged and looked at him. "Perhaps."

"Perhaps, Sophie, it's more of an asshole problem," he said, winking and pinching my outer arm, trying to lighten the mood just as his cell phone went off.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” I questioned.

"It means that you need to find a nice boy.” He winked, “Well, ladies, I have to run," he announced, "the world of law is awaiting me. See you ladies next week."

"Absolutely, we wouldn't miss it." Jenna grinned.

I glared at Jenna as she watched Chase leave the cafe. When she finally turned her attention back to me, I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. "Seriously? You think this is funny?"

"Oh come on, lighten up. I'm trying to help."

"Okay, okay," I said, laughing and squirming at the same time. "Perhaps you are right. Maybe I just need to find myself a nice man, but not Chase."

"Okay, not Chase. But I'm not going to sleep until we find you someone!" She giggled, shoving the last piece of biscotti in her mouth.

We sat and talked for a good hour after Chase had left, and finally, after parting ways, I decided to take a walk through the park near my house. I loved walking in early spring, listening to the birds chirp and smelling the crisp air. As I walked, I could still hear Jenna's suggestion at the forefront of my mind. As much as I hated to admit it, she did have a point. I was comfortable with my male friends, and I knew them all well, and perhaps Chase wasn't such a bad choice.

I shook the absurd thought from my head, crossed the street, and entered my apartment building. I took the elevator up to the twentieth floor and opened my door. I dropped my purse on the floor just inside the door and slipped my shoes off. I went into the kitchen and poured myself a glass of orange juice and immediately saw the flashing light on my phone. I dialed into my voicemail while taking a drink of the sweet liquid. The first message was from my boss reminding me of a meeting on Monday morning; the second was Ralph.

I drank down the rest of my orange juice and was just about to call Ralph back when my cell phone vibrated in my pocket. Looking down at the screen, I saw Chase had left me a message.