"Okay, if you say so. Well, this calls for a girls’ day, so get dressed. We are going out."

"What? I can't. I have so much to do," I said, looking around my already spotless apartment.

"Yeah, sure, I know you. You are laying there thinking your apartment is such a disaster when in fact you could eat right off your floor because you can't even find a piece of lint. So whatever you need to do, we will do it together. Get ready. I'm coming to pick you up."

Before I could say anything, Jenna was gone, and I threw my phone down on the bed and let out a breath. Twenty minutes had gone by before I had gotten up and showered, and now I sat beside Jenna at Kings Cove's only day spa, Pampered Soul, with my feet propped up on the footrest while some woman went to town filing the soul of my foot.

"What color polish would you like?" she asked me, handing me a color selection to choose from.

I looked over at Jenna, who was rooting through her purse for something and let out a breath. I had just begun flipping through the colors when Jenna suddenly ripped them from my hand.

"Oh no, no, no, no, no, no, you don't. I will choose. You need something hot and sexy. She needs something hot and sexy for her date," she said, smiling at the girl.

"I'm capable of choosing hot and sexy," I said, trying to reach for the color selection and failing as Jenna pulled them farther away from my reach.

"Oh no, the last time you needed to select hot and sexy, you ended up choosing clear coat. No, no, we need something more like this." She held out a deep, dark-red color.

I looked at her as if she had lost her mind. There was no way I could wear a color like that. "Jenna, no way. Bogota Blackberry is not going on my toes."

"Oh yes, it is. She will take this one please," Jenna said, handing the colors back to the pedicurist. "Actually, make it two please. You'll see, clear coat is something my grandmother wears, and she hasn't had a date in years," Jenna said, smiling and looking immensely proud of herself.

"Jenna," I bit out, trying hard not to laugh at the face she was making.

"Girl, you need to chill out. Now sit back, relax, and don't worry. Just trust me." Jenna sat back and closed her eyes, urging me to do the same.

I finally sat back and did my best to enjoy my time with Jenna. It took an hour, and now we finally sat waiting while our toes dried. Jenna had just put her phone back into her purse and looked to me. "Okay, so what is next?"

"Well, I need to shop for food, wine, flowers, and candles."

She glanced down at her phone and then over at me. "That's all? What about lingerie? Sheets? Perhaps a scented bubble bath? Give me your list." She held out her hand, and I reluctantly placed my folded list in it. She opened the paper and read over what I had written, and without a word, she pulled a pen from her purse.

"What are you doing?" I frowned as she circled some things, crossed others out, and chewed on the end of her pen, lost in thought.

"I'm making some...ah...shall we say, minor adjustments. Do you trust me?"

"Ha, yeah, look at my toes. Do I trust you. Clear coat would have been more...me."

"Yeah, and the next thing I know, you will be going to the old-age residence over on Madison and partaking in bingo night. All right, girl, let’s go, we have lots to do." Jenna said, dropping my list and the pen into her purse.

Twenty minutes later, we walked through Bed Bath and Beyond, making our way to the bedding department. I stopped at the first sheet display I came to, the one I always purchased from, while Jenna continued to make her way deeper into the department. I had decided on my usual sheets in a different color and was about to make my way over to the candles when I heard Jenna call my name. I turned around to see her walking towards me holding a package of sheets over her head. I wandered over to meet her, afraid of what she was going to present me with.

"These. These are the best sheets in the world. These are what you need." She shoved the package into my hands and took the sheets I had chosen and threw them on top of the nearest display.

"But I like what I had."

"Sophie, my love, trust me. Matt loves these sheets. They were the sheets I had on my bed the first time we...you know."

I held my hand up to stop her from divulging anything else. I knew I wasn't going to get away with anything different, so I succumbed. "Fine, but I'm taking these too," I said, grabbing the other package.

"But those ones are not going on your bed. These ones are," she said, grinning at me while she shook the package.

"I don't see what it matters, honestly. Sheets are sheets."

"Girl, trust me, it matters!"

"I'm not trying to seduce him. We are having sex for one purpose, that is all."

Jenna burst out laughing. "Girl, there is nothing wrong with a little seduction. This is Chase Malone! You need to have some fun. I’m sure he’d appreciate a little seduction! Plus, the remaining women in this town that have yet to sleep with him would kill for this opportunity. Are you blind? Do you not see them looking at him everywhere we go?"