Sophie walked into my office carrying some paperwork, and I held my finger up to signal that I just needed one second. She nodded and sat down across from me.

"Okay, sweetie, I've got to go. My last appointment just came in. I love you."

Her soft voice came over the phone. "I love you too. See you soon."

"Will do." Hanging up the phone, I looked to Sophie. "Everything good?"

"Yep, just need your signature on a couple more documents before I file them for finalization."

"Sounds good."

She passed me four documents all marked where she needed my signature. I signed quickly and handed them back to her.

"You're sure that is everything?"

"Yep, I’m sure. Give me a half an hour and I will have copies for you."

"Great, I'll be here." I smiled at her as she walked away.

As soon as she was out of the room, I leaned back in my chair and thought back to the phone call with Lexi, and how I had wanted to tell her my surprise but figured it would be better over a bottle of champagne tonight at our favorite restaurant, after she had already digested the news of her parents selling the house.

I did some paperwork and then called the restaurant to confirm our reservations and make sure that they had indeed brought in the bottle of champagne I had requested, since they didn't normally have it on the menu. It was a special favor from the owner to repay me, the newest partner in the law firm who had saved his restaurant from being taken over by his ex during the divorce.

* * *

I was seatedat our favorite table in the back of the restaurant when I saw Lexi walk in. I patted my jacket pocket, making sure the documents were in there, when she spotted me and made her way over to our table.

"What made you choose Lorenzo's?" Lexi asked as she kissed me hello and sat down across from me.

"Just thought I would treat my girl," I said, winking at her.

"What a nice surprise."

Lexi flipped her menu open and started looking over the selections. I smiled to myself. She did this every time we came here but always ended up ordering the same thing. I signaled to the waitress who came right over.


"Can we get two glasses of water and a bottle of your 2009 Cristal Brut please." I immediately noticed Lexi's head snap up at the mention of the bottle of champagne.

"Are we celebrating something?" she asked, looking off into the distance, searching her mental calendar of important dates. "No, there is nothing that I can think of…"

"Relax. Can’t I treat my girl?" I asked, trying to brush it off as nothing.

"Well, you can, but not with an eight-hundred-dollar bottle of champagne, Drew." She let out a nervous laugh and closed her menu.

"Just sit back and relax." I winked at her, placing my hand on hers, as she settled back into her seat.

"Please, Drew, just tell me. Is something wrong? Did you lose your job?" There was panic in her voice.

Just then the waitress showed up and poured us each a glass of champagne, setting the bottle in the center of the table. I kept eye contact with Lexi, watching the questions wander through her mind.

"Are you ready to order?"

I was just about to say yes when Lexi spoke up. "Could you give us a few minutes please?" Her eyes were still locked with mine.

"Of course." She nodded and quietly left the table.

"I can't eat until you tell me what is going on," she said, picking at her thumb, a nervous habit she still hadn't outgrown.