I remembered that night as we made love in his bed, the feel of his hands caressing my body. The familiar scent of his cologne as he lay on top of me, gently pumping into me until I could no longer hold back. The way he held me as I came undone in his arms. The gentle caresses and kisses he had bestowed upon me afterward as he held me in his arms, never once letting me go. The sound of his sleep-filled voice as he whispered into my ear how beautiful I was.

"Do you think you could hurry up? The airport is bound to be busy tonight, and I don't want to miss my flight," I said to the cab driver through tears, as I felt my heart start to break again at the thought of not having Drew anymore.

He looked at me through his rear-view mirror, concern lining his face, and passed me a handful of tissues over the seat. "Sure thing, miss. Are you okay?"

"Fine." I sniffled as I grabbed the tissues from his hand and sank into the back seat in time to feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. I pulled it from my pocket, almost afraid to look at the screen. Ann Marie's name sat on the screen.

Ann Marie: Lexi, you going to be okay?

I couldn't text her back right now. Was I going to be okay? Who knew? All I knew was my heart had just been shattered into a million pieces, and the farther I could get away from Drew and Denver, the better off I would be.

When we arrived at the airport, I pulled my bags from the trunk of the cab and handed the driver a handful of crumpled bills, while stacking my bags on one of the luggage carts. My body ached as I lifted the last of the heavy bags and wheeled the cart inside and wandered over to the check-in. My phone was still going off in my pocket, but I now chose to ignore whomever it was. The sooner I was on the other side of everything, the happier I would be.

Chapter 27


I satin the front seat of the car watching as Zach weaved in and out of traffic. We were both quiet as he concentrated on the road in front of us, coming to a halt as the car in front of us jammed on its brakes. Zach swore under his breath, coming just inches from rear-ending the guy in front of us.

"Thanks for doing this. I know you probably hate me right now."

"Drew, I don't hate you. You're like a fucking brother to me, man," Zach said, once again slamming the brakes on and laying on the horn. The guy in front of us flipped us the bird as Zach drove around him.

"I know. It's just you didn't seem too thrilled to see—"

"I was worried you were going to hurt her, man. I was worried you weren't over everything with Laura is all. It’s just an instinct for me to protect her."

"I've told you I'm over her, but no one seems to believe it." I chuckled.

"Well, I was wrong. Ann Marie kindly pointed that out to me, and basically I would have blue balls for the rest of my life if I didn't help you today."

"Ah, so you were bribed."

He chuckled again, slamming on his brakes and swearing under his breath at the car in front of us. "Something like that."

"You know, she's been out of my life for six months and she is still managing to fuck everything up for me," I said aloud as Zach started driving again.

"Not this time. I've seen our lives flash before our eyes more in the last five minutes than ever before, she isn’t going to win. You, my friend, are getting Lex back!"

An ache in my gut started at the thought of holding her in my arms once again and smelling her vanilla-scented hair as she tucked her head under my chin and rested her cheek against my chest. I couldn't wait to hold her against me and kiss those beautiful, soft lips. I needed her in my arms more than I had ever needed someone before.

Zach finally pulled into a parking spot at the airport and we both jumped out of the car and ran into the building. We approached the checkout counter, pushing people who were waiting out of the way and making our way right to the front of the line. The lady behind the counter looked at us with disapproval as we stood on the other side of the counter.


"Sorry, but it’s an emergency. We are trying to find a passenger who may have already checked in."

I just happened to look up at the ticker board and saw the only flight to Italy was already in boarding status. I tugged on Zach's coat sleeve as he gave Lexi's name to the agent behind the counter.

"Forget it, man, we're too late. She's boarding." While the words fell from my lips, the agent behind the desk confirmed what I had just said.

Zach looked to me and then back to the agent. "You need to get her off that plane," he said sharply and forcefully to the agent behind the desk.

"Excuse me?"

"We've got a family emergency. You need to get her off the plane."

"Sir, her luggage has already been put on the plane."