Page 6 of Bad Company

He said nothing, instead he scowled at my father and turned toward the house taking the box with him.

“Good morning, Leah,” Anna said, “I told Logan he had to wait to pick his room until you got here.” I nodded and went back over to the car to grab two bags I packed last minute.

“Has he been this grumpy all morning?” I heard my dad ask.

“I think he is just trying to adjust. What about Leah?”

“She’s been quiet but other than that I think she is doing okay.” I watched as he kissed her again, talking about me like I wasn’t even here.

As I walked by them, I smiled and headed inside and upstairs. The movers were already in the master bedroom assembling the furniture. Why was it they got to choose their bedroom first? I checked out the first bedroom—it had hardwood floors and there was only one small window and it faced out the side of the house. I ventured to the second bedroom, this one was much bigger and had three large windows. It had a dark blue carpet, not suitable for a girl but maybe Logan would like it I thought. There were already boxes in the room, so I was sure that Logan must have taken it. When I poked my head into the last bedroom, I was in love. It was spacious, not as big as the one with the blue carpet but bigger than my old room. The large windows faced out the front of the house and I could see the tops of the lilac bushes. I could almost smell the lilacs now and it had a pink carpet. I had always wanted a room with a pink carpet.

I was just about to yell down to Dad and Anna when Logan came rushing past me carrying a large box. He placed it on the floor, reached into the box and pulled out a poster. As he unrolled it a half-naked girl appeared, and he hung it the far wall. He walked across the room toward me with another poster in his hand. He unrolled it and tacked it into the wall. As he reached up his shirt rose allowing his abs to peek out. He had a splattering of hair that led down into his jeans, and they hung low enough and I could see a well defined “V”. I swallowed hard, and I said nothing, I stood and watched him as he walked back toward the box to get another poster. “Get out, this is my room.” I heard him grumble under his breath.

“What do you mean, your room? Your mom just told me that you were told to wait to choose until I got here.”

“Well, you’re here, and I’m claiming this one,” he said pointing to the poster he’d just hung up. He grinned at me and rummaged through the box again.

“But this is a girl’s room, it has a pink rug. I figured you would want the one with the blue rug.”

He walked across the room toward me and stopped right in front of me, his six-foot frame towering over me and looked right into my eyes. I smelled his cologne and my breath caught—he smelled good enough to eat. I knew my eyes probably betrayed me, but I kept focused on his anyway. “You figured wrong. I like pink, besides, unless you like half naked women, I’ll be keeping this room.”

I could feel the burn of irritation run through me. “Logan,” I choked out.

“Is that it? You like half naked women, then be my guest.” He held his hand out opening it to the room. I didn’t move, between the smell of his cologne and the heat coming off his body it was like I was glued to my spot.

“Well,” his deep voice asked, “are you staying or going?” His eyes stared into mine, his tongue jutting from his mouth to wet his kissable lips.

“Have you picked out your rooms?” I heard Dad ask from below. I ripped my eyes from Logan’s, stepped back and walked into the room across the hall. While Logan went back to his box of naked women, I went downstairs to get my bags. I figured it was just easier to let him have the room than to fight for it.

The rest of the day passed by, and I stayed in my room setting things up. Once the movers left, they called us down for dinner. We sat at the table, Dad at the head, Anna across from him and Logan and I across from one another. Logan glared at me while swirling his fork around in his pasta. When I made eye contact with him he stuck his tongue out at me.

“You kids all settled into your new rooms? I will admit, Leah, I am kind of surprised that you didn’t take the room Logan chose,” my father said digging into his dinner.

I was just about to tell them what happened when Logan gave me a look and kicked me under the table. I jumped and my knee hit the bottom of the table causing everything to rattle.

“Leah, are you okay?” Anna asked. Dad looked up from his plate and gave me a questioning look.

I looked at Logan who was grinning at me. “I bit my lip,” I lied. “Yep, all settled in,” I answered my dad before going back to eating my dinner.

“So, Anna, when do you go back to work?” I asked between mouthfuls.

“Well, your father and I talked about it. We have decided that I’m needed here at home more. So, I gave my notice last week and completed my last shift before the move.”

I noticed Logan perked up and was now keenly listening to what was being said.

“You will be here like all the time?” I questioned.

“Yes. I used to love to cook, we will have some amazing meals for dinner because I can be home. I think you will love some of my deserts, dear. I make a great chocolate fudge cake, just ask Logan.”

I looked at my father who sat with his hand over hers. “We are looking forward to it, Anna,” he said as he winked. Dad used to love my deserts too, before her, that was.

“I make a good cake too, right, Dad,” I asked.

“Yep, not bad, but I bet you could take lessons from Anna.” I took a sip of water to help swallow the lump that was forming in my throat and forced to keep the tears unshed.

“What about college?” I asked.

“What about it?”