Page 25 of Bad Company

Dad grabbed my bag from the bed and headed out the door. “I’ll be right down,” I called after him. I just wanted to take a couple minutes alone.

The last name I had wanted to hear was Logan’s. I sat down and just took in my room. All the memories it held. I contemplated writing a little note to Logan, to say goodbye, but decided against it. So I grabbed my purse and made my way down the stairs.

My phone rang on the way to the restaurant, Jenna’s name flashed on the screen. I figured she would call today. Any good friend would call and check in. I was glad that I wanted to drive my car one last time before I sold it, so I was alone in the car. “Hello,” I answered, my voice lacking enthusiasm.

“You all ready for your big move?” she asked trying to be excited.

“Yep, everything is packed and ready, my flight leaves at three.”

“You’re sure he isn’t on the same flight, right?”

“Yep, Anna told me his flight leaves around eleven tonight. So, he won’t even be at the airport at the same time. He’ll probably bum dinner off my dad and Anna and then be on his way. By that time, I will be in my new apartment and on my way to a new life.”

“All right, you sure you will be okay facing him this morning. I am booked in meetings all day, so I won’t be readily available until after work.”

“Yep, it will be fine. I’ve put my game face on. I’ll be better once I am on that plane. I promise to call you once I am settled.”

“Sounds good, you better come and visit soon, you won’t be living far from me.”

“I’ll try. We’ll Skype.”

“Of course, take care, nut.” I smiled. She had called me that ever since we met.

“You too. I love you.”

“Don’t go getting all sentimental on me. Talk to you soon, safe flight and whatever you do, don’t let him get inside your head . . . or your pants.”

I laughed, but she had already hung up the phone. I turned the radio up and continued driving, almost passing by the parking lot of the restaurant. As I pulled in, I caught a glimpse of Logan entering the restaurant. He looked good, dressed in blue jeans and a black button-down shirt. I pulled into the first available parking space I saw and shut the engine off. I leaned back against the seat and took a deep breath. I wasn’t in the mood for his games today, so he better not try anything.

I walked into the restaurant noticing my father and Anna already seated at the table with Logan. I smiled at the hostess and pointed to the table where everyone was sitting. “Sorry I’m late, Jenna called.”

“That’s okay, Leah, how is Jenna?” Anna asked, taking a sip of her tea.

“She is good.” I reluctantly looked at the empty seat available between my father and Logan and debated asking my dad to move over so I could sit between him and Anna.

“Take a seat, Leah.” I grabbed the back of the chair and went to pull it out, but Logan jumped to his feet and quickly pulled the chair out for me. Anna and Dad looked to one another surprised at his behaviour. I looked at Logan and scowled before I sat down.

“I already ordered for you. I got your favorite,” Dad said as he rubbed my hand. “I also got you orange juice and a coffee.”

“Thank you,” I said tucking my purse at my feet. We listened as Anna resumed telling the story she had been in the middle of when I arrived.

The waiter finally brought out our food and placed the plates down in front of us. “Are you not speaking to me again?” Logan whispered in my ear.

“Good morning. Sleep well?” I smugly smiled back.

“Not really, but then I think you may know why.”

“Leah, Logan, I want to say something,” my father said grabbing Anna’s hand.

We both looked to my father as if we had been caught with our hands in the candy jar. “Yes, go ahead, sir,” Logan said grabbing his fork.

“We want to say how proud we are of you both. You were together under the same roof yesterday for the entire day and you didn’t kill one another. It’s a far cry from before.”

“People change once they grow up and see the person for who they really are,” I answered, grabbing my fork and digging into my blueberry waffles.

Logan looked at me and frowned. He glanced around the table to make sure no one was looking our way. “Really?” he mouthed. Everyone was busy digging into their food, so I smugly smiled at him, nodded, and shoved a forkful of food into my mouth.

I had made it all the way through breakfast with lots of eye-rolling and nasty comments. I couldn’t help it, but every time he opened his mouth I wanted to hit him. I glanced at my watch, keeping track of the time as Dad took care of the bill and we waited for Anna to return from the ladies’ room. I lifted my jacket from the back of my seat and went to put it on, but Logan grabbed it from my hands and opened the jacket for me to step into it. “Keep this up and they will wonder what is going on between us, Logan,” I whispered to him.