Page 87 of Wicked Lessons

She obeys without a word.

Miss Belus pounds on the door, along with several other fists, a sure sign that she’s gathered a mob. Fuck, shit, and bollocks. If I can murder a dozen men in cold blood, surely I can face down a mob of angry women.

I stride to the door and pause with my fingers over the handle, waiting for Phoenix to get into place. By now, my cock has completely deflated and lies quiescent in my pants, much like the used buttplug. I have to remind myself that they know nothing and only suspect me of verbally eviscerating Phoenix in public.

It’s only when she meets my gaze and nods that I open the door.

Athena Belus is probably one of the most striking women I’ve ever seen. She’s six-two, with bleached blonde hair tied into a neat chignon that looks at odds with her olive skin. She glares up at me through smokey eyes that give a new meaning to the phrase, war paint.

Standing at either side of her are the Grace cousins and a few other female students I recognize from the lecture. One of them raises a smartphone, presumably to record this confrontation.

I had better be on my best behavior, then.

“What brings this unruly rabble to my place of business?” I say.

The other students glance at each other for inspiration, but Miss Belus speaks. “I have a petition for your resignation.”

I raise a brow. “On the grounds of?”

“Sexual assault,” someone in the background blurts.


“Sexual harassment,” Miss Belus raises her smartphone to a post on the intranet that calls for my resignation. “There are over three-hundred comments.”

One of the Grace cousins nods. “What do you think about that, professor?”

Considering the three young women accompanying Miss Belus enjoy sucking lollipops in class suggestively, I don’t give her the attention she seeks. Instead, I turn to the ringleader.

“Let me guess,” I say with a sneer. “You tried and failed to have me disciplined and whoever you spoke to said something to the effect that Marina University should be lucky to have such a prominent academic?”

Her eyes flash because I’m right. But that doesn’t mean I’ll allow this young woman and her cronies to have the last word.

“I tolerate no eating during my lectures. Not of phallic shaped fruit.” My gaze slides from Miss Belus’s to the Grace cousins. “And certainly not of lollipops licked in a lascivious manner.”

All three of them have the decency to shrink away.

Miss Belus’s brows furrow before her eyes flash with realization that perhaps these young women aren’t such innocent victims.

“He was just apologizing for that comment he made about the banana,” Phoenix blurts.

Miss Belus stares at me through narrowed eyes.

I glare back.

If my short tenure at Marina University wasn’t my best chance of ending Crius, I would say something scathing. But I’m the most guilty party among us. My crimes toward the female student body encompass more than just one inappropriate comment.

“Come on, Phoenix,” Miss Belus says with a sniff.

Phoenix turns to me, her eyes asking permission to leave. I give her the subtlest of nods and sweep my gaze back toward the other young women.

“Finished?” I fold my arms across my chest as Phoenix darts past me and into the hallway.

“For now.” Miss Belus wraps an arm around Phoenix’s shoulder and marches her out toward the stairwell.

My lips form a tight line. It had been reckless of me to have called her out for eating a banana in class. Even more reckless to attempt anything within the university grounds.

I return to my office, letting the door click shut. I’ll just have to wait until Sunday lunch to defile Phoenix.