Page 133 of Wicked Lessons

My mind drifts to all the times I’ve seen him with different girls. “But aren’t you sleeping around these days?”

“I made a mistake once. Never again.” He grimaces. “Not that you were a mistake, but I didn’t want to trap you in a marriage you couldn’t escape. Since word didn’t spread to Dad and Uncle Odin, I didn’t push my luck. And the next girl I get drunk with might not be as interesting or as beautiful as you.”

I raise a hand, my heart unmoved by the veiled compliment. “It’s alright.”

Veer dips his head, creating a curtain of blond hair, and shuffles his feet. “Thanks for coming to the concert last night. It meant a lot to see you there.”

I don’t bother to tell him that I was there as a favor for Charlotte.

“You were really good,” I murmur. “And your original songs were so much better than the David Bowie covers.”

His blue eyes sparkle in the hallway light.

“Thanks,” he replies with a crooked smile. “Dad and Uncle Odin want me to manage the family business but I really want to make a living with my music.”

“Why shouldn’t you,” I say. “It’s not like you’re the only heir.”

He nods. “That’s Thor, and he’s always been involved in their dealings.”

“There you go.”

His smile morphs into a grin that lights up his entire face. “You’re right.” He jogs backward. “I’m going to give them a call.”

“Good luck,” I say, meaning every word because I doubt that the Bestlassons sent Veer here to learn business and finance so he could become a rock star.

He gives me a jaunty wave and turns around. “See you in marketing!”

“Bye.” I shut the door and return to my breakfast.

Dr. Raring can have Professor Segul. I plate up my eggs, bacon, and sausage, add a fried tomato and pop a slice of bread into the toaster.

As the kettle boils, I hear another knock, this one less urgent.

I roll my eyes and walk toward the door. If Veer needs help on how to break the news to his father and uncle, he’s asking the wrong person. I never once stood up to Dad, and now look at me.

Placing a hand on the doorframe, I peer through the peephole for a glimpse of Veer, but it’s Professor Segul.

His head is bowed and covered in a gray hoodie, so I can’t see his face, but nobody looks as good in or out of their clothes as him.

My pulse kicks up several notches and I clutch a hand over my belly to soothe its empty ache. Maybe I was getting more out of our arrangement than money, but that’s hardly the point. Whores should never fall in love with their clients. Not when they can be dropped without notice.

Men don’t stick around for long—just look at Dad. The man who had fought so hard to gain custody of me just upped and disappeared for better prospects, and we were connected by blood. Then Veer just told me I was beautiful and interesting but not marriage material.

I get the message. I may not be able to stop men from seeing me as disposable, but I sure as hell can stop myself from getting used.

It’s time to put an end to this thing I have with Professor Segul.



Paranoia twists a noose around my neck. It tightens with each rapid beat of my pulse. Where the fuck is Phoenix?

I park around the back of her building, cut the engine, and open the door. Gravel crunches beneath my feet, the sound reminding me of snapping bones.

Phoenix wasn’t in the villa. I searched the dungeon, the bedroom, and the master suite. I even searched the sun lounge. When she didn’t answer my call, I combed through every room until I returned to the kitchen.

The clean-up crew seemed oblivious to any potential abduction, and seemed to be more involved with getting blood out of the grout than concealing snatching an innocent young woman.