Page 124 of Wicked Lessons

“What did I do?”

Something wicked flashes in his eyes before he pulls out of me and disappears around the back of the bondage wheel. It jerks a little as he moves it clockwise until I’m completely upside-down with my hair touching the floor.

I suck in a breath as all the warmth and sensation that had gathered between my legs floods to my head.

Professor Segul returns, but all I see are his legs, until I crane my neck. Even then, I can’t meet his eyes.

“Do you remember your safe words?” he asks again.

My chest rises and falls with rapid breaths, and it takes every effort to force myself to remain calm.

“Yes,” I say, my voice rising in pitch. “It’s amber to slow, red to stop.”

“Where are you at the moment?” he asks.

A laugh bursts from my chest.

I’m fucking hysterical. “Green.”

Professor Segul slides the fingers of both hands down my inner thighs. “I love your legs,” he murmurs, sounding far away. “So long and lean and lithe. But they’re not even my favorite part of you.”

“What is?”

He pauses, and I strain to meet his eyes. Eyes that are probably staring at the damp patch in my knickers.

His fingers trace over the lace trim of one leg, sending a network of tingles down both sets of inner thighs. He slides the fabric to the side, exposing my pussy.

“Aaah,” I exhale a long, shuddering breath.

A cool draft swirls around my heated flesh, and my exhale turns into a moan. When his hot breath warms my folds, I lose all train of our conversation.

“I love your cunt,” he says in a deep voice that pulls the muscles of my core tight. “It’s a glistening pearl set within pretty petals. I love how it’s always ready and wet.”

How did I know he would choose my pussy? I part my lips to say this, but he speaks first.

“But it still isn’t my favorite part.”

“My nipples, then?” I ask.

He shakes his head. “Would you be surprised if I said your huge, gray eyes?”

Before I can answer, his mouth descends on my pussy. It’s so sudden and comes with such a huge burst of pleasure that I shriek.

He sucks on my clit, creating a gentle vacuum with his mouth that makes it feel twice its size and three times its sensitivity. A bolt of sensation strikes down my belly and up my thighs like lightning, and I jerk and twitch within my restraints.

“Shit,” I say from between clenched teeth.

“You like that?” He murmurs around my sensitive nub.

“Fuck, yes.” My voice trembles. “Green. Green. Green.”

He chuckles deeply into my pussy, with vibrations of sound running from my clit to my heated core. Tremors spread down, down, down my ass, down my spine, down to my head.

I’ve never had my pussy licked when upside down. It’s not something I ever imagined, not even after the first time I saw the bondage wheel.

It’s more intense than last week when Professor Segul strapped me to the chair, because all the blood in my body has rushed to my head.

He’s rougher, too, with faster strokes. It’s like he knows I’m a little less sensitive because I’m the wrong way up, so he compensates.