Page 82 of Wicked Lessons

I turn to meet his eyes. One of them is a glacial blue, and the other contains amber flecks that appear almost green. Since when did he have heterochromia?

“Um… Do you like her?”

“My friend Axel does,” he replies with a shrug.

“Okay.” We round the corner. “I’ll ask her if she wants to come on Saturday.”

As we approach the medium lecture theater, a small crowd gathers outside the doors. Veer’s hand bumps mine. It’s the slightest of movements and could just be down to clumsiness. But when his fingers brush against mine, I turn to meet his eyes once more.

My lips part, and I’m about to ask if he’s trying to hold my hand, when someone behind me clears their throat.

I glance over my shoulder to find Professor Segul striding toward us, his expression thunderous. The motor in my knickers buzzes again, setting every nerve in my legs to full attention.

But when the rubber object in my ass starts to inflate, my spine goes rigid and my heels dig into the floor.

I’m screwed.

“Hey.” Veer wraps an arm around my shoulder and walks me through the lecture theater’s door. “Macroeconomics is about to start.”

I walk into the lecture theater on wooden legs, with one hand still clapped over the bag covering the vibrating motor and the other over my mouth.

The device in my anus inflates, sucking in air that whooshes over my wet folds. It pushes against my walls and against my pussy, causing me to shudder. My clit swells with the buzzing, making me swallow back a moan.

Somewhere up in the middle, I see Charlotte wave, but I can’t face the stairs. Not with my legs trembling and every step threatening to be my last.

Besides, Veer won’t release my shoulder, and I’m too weak with shock and arousal to stop him from steering me to the front row.

“Welcome to Advanced Macroeconomics.” Professor Segul’s voice sounds from far away, even though he’s standing behind the podium. “Dr. Xander asked me to take over today’s lecture on crypto currency. Can anyone explain why it’s not a fiat currency?”

A few people raise their hands, and the professor listens to each of their explanations before someone gives the right one. Whatever that person replies is lost in a haze of pleasure as the motor’s buzzing provides just enough stimulation to my clit to generate sparks of pleasure, but not enough to make me climax.

My throat dries. The pulse between my ears pounds hard enough to rattle my skull. Every ounce of my attention concentrates on my clit and ass.

I stare ahead, my gaze fixed on Professor Segul. His lips move, but I can’t hear a word he’s saying.

Hell, I can’t even see what’s on his slides.

Strangely, the professor remains behind his podium and doesn’t pace the room. I could ask myself if he’s using it as a shield to conceal his erection, but I have more pressing concerns.

Such as the rubber toy in my ass, which now exceeds the girth of my little finger. It’s not just thickening, butlengthening.

My breath turns shallow, and sweat beads on my brow. I squeeze my thighs together, trying to increase the little friction on my clit.

Veer leans into me and whispers, “Are you alright?”

I give him a sharp nod.

“Are you sure?”

Professor Segul presses down his clicker, but the slides behind him don’t change. The buzzing intensifies, making my nipples tighten. Air whistles past my pussy as the plug in my ass inflates.

Okay. It’s not the clicker for the overhead projector that he’s holding. It’s a remote that activates my pump.

I gulp over and over, trying to find a way to escape this mess. Students sit to my left and right, caging me into my seat, and up ahead is the sexual sadist who installed the butt toy and knows exactly what it’s doing.

The entire lecture theater spins. This is beyond torture, beyond revenge. Shit, it’s inhumane. I’m so fucking confused and wet, and every time Veer leans into me to whisper in my ear, Professor Segul activates his remote.

All sensation travels to my crotch, and I can’t even think straight. I rock back and forth, trying in vain to stimulate my needy clit, but even that aches from how hard I rubbed it against his shoe.