Page 36 of Wicked Lessons

I can usually take or leave other women. But there’s no time to dwell on why she affects me so much. I need those pretty lips wrapped around my cock.

“Get to work,” I say with a smirk. “And I’ll be grading you for technique.”

She lurches forward, her fingers fumbling over the buttons of my leather jeans. Either she’s eager for my cock or she wants to get this over with so I can make her climax.

Phoenix is about to discover she’s in for a long wait.

The first button pops open, easing the pressure off my cockhead. I groan with relief as she releases the second, the third, and the fourth.

Phoenix jerks open the fly, and then pauses with her mouth falling slack.

“Problems, Miss Stahl?” I ask, my voice tilting with amusement.

“It’s just so…” She pants through her parted lips.

My brows rise in anticipation of how she’ll phrase the next part of her sentence. I never get tired of women’s rounded eyes the first time they see my cock. It’s longer than average but with extra girth. Back when I was an undergraduate, they used to call it the jawbreaker.

“Yes?” I ask.

“How am I going to fit that in my mouth?”

“You’re a resourceful young woman,” I say with a smirk. “You’ll find a way to accommodate my girth.”

She sucks in a noisy breath as though gathering her courage, and wraps her fingers around my shaft. At her touch, pleasure shimmers down my spine and tightens my balls, bringing up a bead of precum.

Hell. At this rate, I won’t last longer than a minute.

When she leans forward and opens her mouth, I place a palm on her forehead, holding her back. “Not so fast.”

Phoenix glares at me with a scowl that says,now what?

“Earn the right to suck my cock, and if you impress me enough, I’ll allow you to claim your reward.”

I suppress my amusement at the disappointment flashing before her eyes.

She whines in the back of her throat.

“Do you have something to say, Miss Stahl?” I ask.

“Can I at least touch myself?”

“Absolutely not,” I reply, my words crisp. “Your pleasure belongs to me—whether you’re with me or not. What did I just say?”

She lowers her lashes, squirms, and then gazes up at me with defiance. “No cumming without your permission, got it.”

I raise my hips off the throne, and she takes the cue to pull my leather jeans down my thighs. They drop to the floor, but I let them remain puddled at my feet.

“The first lesson in fellatio is the build up,” I say in the voice I reserve for teaching.

She meets my eyes for a moment before dropping her gaze down to my cock. It stiffens under her attention.

“Run a trail up to my balls with your tongue.”

She licks my inner thigh from my knees with a slow, measured slide that makes my breath quicken. As she reaches my balls, my lungs stall.

Her fingers curl into my thighs, and she pushes them apart before placing a kiss on my right testicle. Pleasure coils in my gut, and I stifle a groan.

Phoenix replaces her tongue with her fingertips and rubs gentle circles over my inner thighs that spread sensations across my nerves.